Records available
CD canto:). Hortus Musicus
DVD In the Mystical Land of Kaydara. Peeter Vähi
DVD Coppélia. A ballet by Léo Delibes
CD-series Great Maestros. Beethoven, Brahms. Kalle Randalu, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi
CD Quarter of a Century with Friends. Arsis, Rémi Boucher, Oliver Kuusik, Rauno Elp
Super Audio CD Maria Magdalena. Sevara Nazarkhan, Riga Dom Cathedral Boys Choir, State Choir Latvija, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra
LP Contra aut pro? Toomas Velmet, Neeme Järvi, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Arvo Pärt
● Vinyl CONTRA AUT PRO? Toomas Velmet (cello), Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Maestro Neeme Järvi... World premiere recording of Arvo Pärt’s Cello Concerto Pro et contra. Brand new!
● DVD: KRATT / THE GOBLIN, a ballet by Eduard Tubin. Estonian National Ballet. New!
Georg Udukübar on energiline noormees, kellel on aaria ja kes tahab seda – maksku mis maksab – ooperiteatri laval ette kanda. Kuidas aga pääseb Georg unistatud lavale, kui keegi pole Udukübara-nimelisest lauljast varem kuulnud ning kui tal endal on vaid udune arusaam sellest, kus lava asub? Georg jõuab teatrimajja, kust algab tema teekond lava suunas. Sellel keerulisel, ent lustlikul teekonnal on Georgile toeks preili Tahtejõud, kes aitab noormehel tema suurt soovi täide viia. Georg seikleb läbi tohutu suure maja, sattudes igasugustesse ruumidesse ning puutudes kokku kõikvõimalike ooperi- ja balletiteatri töötajatega. Mis leiab aset teatrimaja sisemuses? Kes tegutsevad seal, kuhu külastaja pilk kunagi ei satu? “Georg Udukübara aaria” on lõbus ja vallatu lastelavastus, kus peaosi mängivad Anatoli Tafitšuk ja Jana Liisa Johannson, samuti astub sarjas iseendana üles suur hulk Rahvusooper Estonia artiste ja töötajaid.
Näe und, ilmsi võimatut und
Löö väed, puruks võitmatud väed
Su trots võitku hirmu ja valu
Kui ees surmaõudusi näed
Su arm olgu kirgas kui jää
Loo kord keset valede kaost
Kui käed enam mõõka ei hoia
Siis täht haara tähisöö paost
Nii käsib au, käes mõõk, püstipäi
Täht tähiseks kauge, teed okkalist käi
Mis iganes teed, olgu õigluse heaks
Ja ka siis, kui ta nimel sa põrgusse minema peaks
Meeles pea, kui sa lõpuni vaid oled vandele truu
Siis su hing leiab rahu, kui liiv täidab silmad ja suu
Sellest maailm ehk paremaks saab
Kui üks mees, pekstud pilgatud mees
Pilgus surm, püüdis haarata tähte
Mis sääl kõrgel säras ta ees
Don Quijote tõotuslaul muusikalist “Mees La Manchast” (Mitch Leigh, Joe Darion, tõlge Iko Maran)
Georg Udukübar: Anatoli Tafitšuk
Tahtejõud: Jana Liisa Johannson
Helgi Sallo, Voldemar Kuslap, Priit Aimla, Kaspar Mänd, Eda Peäske, Anto Õnnis, Jassi Zahharov, Oliver Kuusik, Helen Lokuta, Aivar Mäe, Arne Mikk, Riina Airenne, René Soom, Kristel Pärtna, Ain Anger, Juuli Lill, Marko Matvere, Rahvusooper Estonia orkester ja koor, Eesti Rahvusballett ja teised estoonlased, Tallinna Reaalkooli õpilased
Käesoleval DVD’l on kasutatud fragmente järgmistest teostest: Purcell “Kuningas Arthur”, Wagner “Lendav hollandlane”, “Valküür”, Verdi “Saatuse jõud”, “Rigoletto”, “Aida”, “Traviata”, “Sitsiilia verepulm”, “Trubaduur”, “Nabucco”, Rossini “Sevilla habemeajaja”, “Varastaja harakas”, Bizet “Carmen”, Donizetti “Armujook”, Mozart “Figaro pulm”, “Don Giovanni”, “Võluflööt”, Gounod “Romeo ja Julia”, Leoncavallo “Pajatsid”, Kapp “Tasuleegid”, Massenet “Thais”, “Le Cid”, Tšaikovski “Luikede järv”, “Pähklipureja”, Delibes “Coppélia”, Beethoven “Prometheus”, Bock “Viiuldaja katusel”, Vinter / Raudmäe “Pipi Pikksukk”, Leigh “Mees La Manchast”, Kálmán “Tsirkusprintsess”, Romberg “Kõrbelaul”, Jones “Geiša”, Strauss jun “Nahkhiir”, “Šampanja polka”, Ravel “Boléro”, Orff “Carmina Burana”, Pärt “Pro et contra”, Rästa “Goodbye to Yesterday”, Chaplin “Naeratus”
Stsenarist: Wimberg
Lavastaja-režissöör: Elo Selirand
Kunstnik: Kristel Linnutaja
Grimeerija: Taimi Lume
Korraldus: Aivar Mäe
Idee ja korraldus: Ülla Veerg, Anu Põrk
Kostüümid, rekvisiidid: Ülle Kogerman, Anni Sildvee, Kerli Kann, Riina Saaliste, Merli Maidla, Kristi Reidla, Evelin Temmin, Siiri Luhaäär, Marja-Liisa Pihlak, Lee Sakk, Klarika Verlin, Aivar Kärner, Evelin Adamberg, Maili Kutti, Malle Kaalep
Lavameeskond: Mario Madiste, Reijo Timuska, Kalle Timuska, Tiit Urvik
Heli: Kalev Timuska
Salvestuse produtsent: Liisa Piisel
Operaatorid: Raul Priks, Toorion Ojaperv, Ergo Treier, Esper Kaar, Reijo Taagepera
Helirežissöör: Taisto Uuslail
Helikujundaja: Mihkel Robam
Valgustajad: German Golub, Martin Palm, Martin Paju
Graafik: Toorion Ojaperv
Monteerijad: Vladlen Pobjaržin, Kalle Käärik, Andres Lepasar, Elo Selirand
Produtsent-toimetaja: Margus Saar
DVD mastering: Jüri Tallinn
Trükiste toimetaja: Signe Toomla
Produtsent: Peeter Vähi
Stereo, PAL, formaat 16:9, kõik regioonid
℗ 2016 Rahvusooper Estonia, Eesti Rahvusringhääling
© 2017 Rahvusooper Estonia, ERP
ERP 9817
Estonian National Opera
The Estonian National Opera, established in the year 1906, is a historic organisation with vital traditions and manifold functions.
The EsNO’s season, lasting 10 months from Sep until Jun, contains a varied repertoire of opera, ballet, operetta, musicals and children’ pieces. Around 250 performances of up to 30 different works are presented annually, including the cream of classical opera and operetta as well as contemporary masterpieces. On the top of that, the best works of Estonian origin are also shown on the stage!
The Estonian National Opera is the home of the symphony orchestra, the opera chorus and the ballet. The orchestra was founded in 1907 and it now employs almost a 100 musicians. In addition to its theatre assignments, the orchestra regularly performs symphonic works and records world classics as well as the best of Estonian music. The 54-strong opera chorus, besides participating in stage productions, consistently gives concerts on its own as well. The EsNO employs as many as 25−30 soloists. As a compliment to that, it welcomes guest singers on a regular basis. The EsNO ballet, existing within the framework of the opera company and employing approximately 60 dancers, is the country’s largest ballet troupe. Young choreographers are constantly enriching its repertoire of standard favourites with contemporary pieces and occasional avant-garde projects. In order to stay open to new ideas and fresh approaches, The EsNO always makes space and time in its working schedule for joint projects of multifarious nature, and for individual guest artists. For the latter to bring their unique experience onto our stage; for the Estonian audience, to partake of a different artistic vision.
Symbolically speaking, the EsNO’s location in the heart of Estonia’s capital city, Tallinn, is a reflection of the company’s artistic position − at the centre of Estonian culture.
See also recordings of Estonian National Opera by ERP: 11 CD jubilee-box Estonia – 100, double-CD Verdi Wagner 200, double-CD Cyrano de Bergerac, double-CD Lembitu, DVD Wallenberg, DVD Coppélia, CD Artist Chagall, CD + bonus DVD Voices of the Estonian National Opera / Estonia Ooperihääled, DVD Faust, DVD Modigliani − neetud kunstnik, DVD Georg Ots. Estonia legend, Super Audio CD La donna è mobile
An exciting performing of baritone hits. Legendary Geord Ots performs Mozart, Verdi, Bizet, Rubinstein, Kálmán, Lehár, Ernesaks... in Estonian, Italian, Russian and German. Restored archive recordings. DVD will be released in September 2016 in co-operation with Estonian Public Broadcasting and Estonian National Opera.
1 | M. Leigh | Man of La Mancha | The Impossible Dream | 2:25 |
2 | W. A. Mozart | Don Giovanni | Aria of Don Giovanni Fin ch’han dal vino | 1:20 |
3 | W. A. Mozart | Don Giovanni | Duet of Don Giovanni and Zerlina La ci darem la mano | 3:17 |
4 | A. Rubinstein | The Demon | Demon’s Romance Na vozdushnom okeane | 4:20 |
5 | G. Ernesaks | The Coast of Storms | Petrov’s aria My Homeland, Faw Away from You Has Taken Me the Road | 3:32 |
6 | G. Verdi | Un balli in maschera | Renato’s aria Alzati! la tuo figlio | 6:23 |
7 | G. Verdi | Rigoletto | Rigoletto’s aria Cortigiani, vil razza dannata | 4:39 |
8 | G. Verdi | Otello | Iago’s monologue Credo in un Dio crudel | 4:34 |
9 | W. A. Mozart | Le nozze di Figaro | Figaro’s aria Non piu andrai | 3:40 |
10 | W. A. Mozart | Die Zauberflöte | Papageno’s aria Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen | 4:10 |
11 | W. A. Mozart | Don Giovanni | Don Giovanni’s serenade Deh, vieni alla finestra | 1:53 |
12 | W. A. Mozart | Le nozze di Figaro | Recitative and Figaro’s aria Tutto e disposto... | 4:13 |
13 | W. A. Mozart | Die Zauberflöte | Aria of Papageno and duet of Papageno and Papagena Papagena... | 8:26 |
14 | G. Bizet | Carmen | Escamillo’s couplet Votre toast, je peux vous le render | 4:33 |
15 | Y. Milyutin | Unsettled Happiness | Andrey’s song Sibirskiy prostor, vekovaya taiga | 4:26 |
16 | I. Kálmán | Gräfin Mariza | Tasziló’s czárdás Auch ich war einst ein feiner Csárdáskavalier | 5:26 |
17 | I. Kálmán | Die Bajadere | Radjami’s song Oh! Bajadere | 2:27 |
18 | F. Lehár | Die Lustige Witwe | Duet of Hanna and Danilo Bei jedem Walzenschritt | 3:39 |
19 | I. Kálmán | Die Zirkusprinzessin | The song of Mr. X Wieder hinaus aus strahlende Licht | 4:28 |
20 | I. Kálmán | Der Zigeuneprimas | Pali Rácz’s song Weit ist es mir gekommen | 5:06 |
21 | N. Listov | Romance Ya pomnyu vals, zvuk prelestnyi | 3:14 | |
22 | D. Kabalevski | Colas Breugnon | Colas’s lullaby Slavnaya zverushka | 2:43 |
23 | I. Kálmán | Der Zigeuneprimas | Pali Rácz’s song Weit ist es mir gekommen | 5:27 |
Estonian TV and Radio Symphony Orchestra (#2–4, 6–13, 17, 18, 23); Estonia Theatre Symphony Orchestra (#15, 22); Estonian TV and Radio Variety Orchestra (#1, 5); USSR State Radio & TV Symphony Orchestra (#14); USSR State Radio & TV Pops Orchestra (#16, 19–21)
Conductors: Kirill Raudsepp (#2–5, 22), Neeme Järvi (#6–13), Vallo Järvi (#15–18), Peeter Saul (#1, 23), Yuri Silantiev (#16, 19–21), Vladimir Delman (#14)
All videos on the DVD are from the ERR archive.
Directors, Artur Rinne (#2–4, 6, 8, 14–17), Astrid Lepa (#9–13), Leida Levald (#18), Irene Haak-Lään (#22), Eino Tandre (#1, 7), Maie Kivita, Silja Milli (#23)
Sound engineer, restorer: Jüri Kruus
Video editing: Kalle Käo (ERR)
DVD authoring and mastering: Jüri Tallinn
Designers: Stella Tillo, Mart Kivisild
Photos: Estonian National Opera archive
Liner notes: Arne Mikk, Tiina Õun
Booklet editors: Liina Viru, Tiina Õun
Artistic producer: Arne Mikk
Executive co-producer: Peeter Vähi
Duration 95 min
Screen format 16:9 / 4:3
Region: all
© 2016 Estonian National Opera & ERP
ERP 9216
Georg Ots – a legend of the Estonian National Opera
Sergei Rachmaninoff once saw an inscription on a gravestone. “The only truly dead are those who have been forgotten” and he wrote: “If this is true, Chaliapin never dies. This wonderful artist with his magical gift is unforgettable... He will be a legend for the posterity.”
The same applies to Georg Ots, a soloist of the Estonian National Opera.
It might be argued that their voices were completely different, but their approach to the essence of every stage character in search of intonational variety or characteristic make-up details embraces a similar commitment.
Nature had given Georg Ots a baritone with a velvety timbre − a perfect voice for singing Mozart. This voice and his wonderful sense of music enchanted the audience in classical operetta roles and carried the romances of Schubert and Tchaikovsky to the listeners even in the very last rows.
The title role in Rubinstein’s opera The Demon has been a favourite role for all the dramatic voices, but Ots was the first to accentuate the suffering of this mystical character and his sorrowful yearning for love. The contrasts that Ots could bring out when singing the parts of Verdi’s Rigoletto or Iago could be clearly perceived even while listening to separate arias or watching separate scenes.
Georg Ots’ unique talent is a blend of features reflected by his wide-ranging knowledge of languages, the natural clarity of the text he sang and his organic movement on stage.
His life ended unjustly early due to an exhausting illness, but inspite of all his suffering, the audience and his colleagues always felt a Colas-Breugnon-like slogan radiating from Georg Ots − “We will live!” That is why his accomplishments as a singer will continue to live over times, and the legend of the great artist of a small nation will be passed on from generation to generation.
Georg Ots onstage
Georg Ots was born on March 21st, 1920 in Petrograd. He began his stage career as a chorus singer at the Estonian National Opera in 1944 and became a soloist already a year later. He graduated from Tallinn French Lyceum in 1938. The Soviet occupation that began in 1940 and the Second World War that reached the territory of Estonia in 1941 sent Georg Ots to the rear of the Soviet Union where he joined the State Art Ensembles of the Estonian SSR. Therefore he managed to graduate from Tallinn State Conservatory only in 1951, where he studied singing with the famous Estonian baritone Tiit Kuusik.
During the thirty years of his career at the Estonian National Opera (1945−1975), he created a whole gallery of roles polished in details and touched by his stage charm. He became a real star of opera and operetta and even more so on concert stages all over the Soviet Union and Finland. He was equally good as chamber music and lied singer and pop singer and also tried his hand at directing. Georg Ots has starred in many films − one of his top achievements was the film Mister X based on Imre Kálmán’s operetta Die Zirkusprinzessin that was produced by Lenfilm studios in 1958. His swan song was the staging of Mozart’s Don Giovanni in 1975. Unfortunately he did not finish his work... He died on September 5th, 1975.
His legacy is saved on numerous recordings, both solo and compilation albums. Georg Ots has been awarded many prizes and honorary titles. In 1960 he received the title of the Merited Artist of the Estonian SSR − the highest honorary title in the Soviet Union that artists could be awarded.
Since 1976 the Georg Ots Prize is awarded by the Estonian Theatre Union to outstanding Estonian opera singers, in 1996 a minor planet 1977 QAI received his name and Tallinn Georg Ots Music School is named after him as well as the street leading to the Estonian National Opera. There was a time when a sea liner carrying his name crossed the Gulf of Finland to take passengers to Helsinki.
D’Artagnan (Benatzky The Three Musketeers, 1945)
Sharpless (Puccini Madama Butterfly, 1945, 1949 and 1963)
Pierre / Red Shadow (Romberg The Desert Song, 1946 and 1963)
Silvio (Leoncavallo I pagliacci, 1946 and 1954)
Tonio (Leoncavallo I pagliacci, 1954)
Malatesta (Donizetti Don Pasquale, 1947)
Sándor Barinkay (J. Strauss Der Zigeunerbaron, 1948)
Valentin (Gounod Faust, 1949)
Onegin (Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin, 1949 and 1972)
Andrey (Milyutin Unsettled Happiness, 1949)
Petrov (Ernesaks The Coast of Storms, 1949)
Georges Germont (Verdi La traviata, 1950 and 1974)
Jim Kenyon (Frimli and Stothart Rose-Marie, 1950)
Don Giovanni (Mozart Don Giovanni, 1952)
Demon (Rubinstein The Demon, 1953 and 1962)
Rummu Jüri (E. Arro and L. Normet Rummu Jüri, 1955)
Danilo (Lehár Die lustige Witwe, 1955)
Escamillo (Bizet Carmen, 1955 and 1963)
Yeletsky (Tchaikovsky The Queen of Spades, 1957)
Radjami (Kálmán Die Bajadere, 1957)
Figaro (Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, 1958)
Tasziló (Kálmán Gräfin Mariza, 1959)
Renato (Verdi Un ballo in maschera, 1961)
Meelis (V. Kapp Lembitu, 1961)
Robert (Tchaikovsky Iolanta, 1961)
Marcello (Puccini La bohème, 1962)
Iago (Verdi Otello, 1963)
Papageno (Mozart Die Zauberflöte, 1964)
Amonasro (Verdi Aida, 1964)
Fred Graham (Porter Kiss Me, Kate, 1966)
Porgy (Gershwin Porgy and Bess, 1966)
Rigoletto (Verdi Rigoletto, 1968)
Barnaba (Ponchielli La Gioconda, 1969)
Olav (Aav Vikings, 1969)
Colas (Kabalevsky Colas Breugnon, 1970)
Cervantes/Don Quixote (Leigh Man of La Mancha, 1971)
Rodrigo (Verdi Don Carlo, 1971)
Gianni Schicchi (Puccini Gianni Schicchi, 1972)
See also other recordings of opera artists released by ERP: 11 CD jubilee-box Estonia – 100, DVD Faust, DVD Wallenberg, Cyrano de Bergerac, Lembitu, Verdi Wagner 200, La donna è mobile, CD + bonus DVD Voices of the Estonian National Opera / Estonia Ooperihääled
Distribution by Estonian National Opera (phone +372 6831242; e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
●Brand new − DVD IN THE MYSTICAL LAND OF KAYDARA − will be presented on Feb 13th in Berlin and on Feb 18th in Shanghai.
Released on Feb 26th, 2015.
When thus I hail the Moment flying:
“Ah, still delay—thou art so fair!”
Then bind me in thy bonds undying,
My final ruin then declare!
(J. W. Goethe Faust)
Opera: Act 1 | 1:14:50 |
Opera: Act 2 | 1:10:00 |
Act I, audio-fragment, 5 min 47 sec, mp3, 320 Kbps
Act II, audio-fragment, 8 min 42 sec, mp3, 320 Kbps
Watch introduction of cast on YouTube (HD, 4 min 9 sec)
Doctor Faust: Oliver Kuusik
Méphistophélès, satan: Ain Anger (Wiener Staatsoper)
Marguerite: Joanna Freszel (Poland)
Valentin, soldier, Marguerite’s brother: Rauno Elp
Siébel, Faust’s student: Helen Lokuta
Wagner, Valentin’s friend: Mart Laur
Old Faust: Urmas Põldma
Faust’s new girlfriend: Airike Kolk
Dancers in the cabaret: dancers of the Estonian National Ballet
Conductor: Vello Pähn
Stage Director: Dmitri Bertman (Helikon-Opera, Moscow)
Designer: Ene-Liis Semper (NO99)
Choreographer: Edvald Smirnov (Russia)
Assistant to the Choreographer: Hedi Pundonen
Producer: Silva Valdt
Consultant on Acting: Helgi Sallo
Chorus Masters: Hirvo Surva, Marge Mehilane
Pianists-Repetiteurs: Tarmo Eespere, Riina Pikani, Ivo Sillamaa, Ralf Taal
Stage Manager: Rein Taidla
Video director: Ülle Õun
Recording producer: Ruth Alaküla
Sound engineers: Tanel Klesment, Kaspar Karner
DVD authoring and mastering by Jüri Tallinn
Photos: Harri Rospu, Liina Viru
Booklet compiled by Liina Viru
DVD design: Mart Kivisild
Producer: Peeter Vähi
PAL, 16:9, Region - All, Stereo, subtitles in English and Estonian
℗ 2014 ERR, © 2015 Estonian national Opera, ERP (Tallinn)
ERP 7915
Faust has dedicated his entire life to the stubborn and persistent study of the hidden secrets of the world; however, now, during the twilight of his life, the old scholar has come to understand the futility of human mind and science. “In vain − another sleepless night considering nature, and God. I languish alone, powerless to break the bonds that keep me in this world...”
He turns to Devil, cursing the world, his dreams, his thirst for knowledge, and even God. At that instant, Méphistophélès appears before him. Faust is confused and frightened. He tries to chase the Devil away − alas, in vain. Méphistophélès offers the old scholar wealth, fame and power. The latter can only be enticed with youth, which would help to ignite the flames of love in the heart of maiden Marguerite. The Archfiend agrees − Faust can become young again but only on one condition: here on earth, Méphistophélès is his humble servant; there, in Hell, Faust’s soul must belong to the Devil. The old scholar signs the contract.
Act I
The city is filled with joyous excitement. There is laughter and jesting. Only Marguerite’s brother Valentin is not in festive spirits. He is going away to war and his beloved sister will stay behind alone. Valentin turns to God with the prayer to guard Marguerite from evil and temptation. Valentin’s friend Siebel vows to protect the maiden.
The attention of the crowd turns to the stranger who has joined them. This is Méphistophélès, retelling about the omnipotence of gold that will lead humankind to sorrow and carnage. He predicts that Wagner is about to face a woeful future and asserts that Siebel’s touch will make all flowers wither. Unexpectedly, Méphistophélès proposes to drink to Marguerite. The offended friends of the young woman decide to punish the insolent stranger. Valentin is the first to draw his sword only to see it shatter instantly. The young men realise that Satan himself is standing before them.Faust is yearning to meet Marguerite. The man sees the maiden, approaches her and tries to engage her in conversation. Marguerite answers curtly and hurries to leave. Having been rejected by the beauty, Faust is desperate and depressed. Méphistophélès encourages the young man and promises to help Faust in his endeavours to conquer the heart of the maiden.
Siebel sings of love. However, the flowers he has picked wither at his first touch. Faust and Méphistophélès are in the garden. The latter is convinced that Faust’s wonderful presents will help to win his way into the heart of the young enchantress. Faust and Méphistophélès exit, leaving behind a jewel box. Marguerite enters. She is singing an old ballad of a king but her thoughts keep returning to the young stranger. She notices Siebel's bouquet of flowers and a mysterious box next to it. She gives in to temptation and tries on the jewellery.
At last, Faust and Marguerite are alone. The young man cannot hide his feelings any longer. Méphistophélès commands the night to embrace the lovers with its shadow and “you, the fragrant flowers: Bloom in my satanic hands”. The passionate and tender confessions of Faust have deeply affected the maiden. In a blissful excitement, Marguerite turns to the stars entrusting them with her secret.
Act II
A triumphant military march signals the warriors’ return from the battle. Valentin is among the brave fighters. He is delighted to return to his native town and to be reunited with his friends. He is astonished by the behaviour of Siebel − the young man is distant and asks Valentin not to get angry with Marguerite. Valentin hurries to meet his beloved sister.
Valentin, having learned of Marguerite’s situation, draws his sword: whoever disgraced Marguerite must be punished! But Faust is not threatened by the duel. He has Méphistophélès’ protection, so the fight is going to be a short one. Faust deals a fatal blow to Valentin. A crowd gathers around the dying man. Marguerite attempts to alleviate her brother's suffering but he pushes her away in anger. Valentin curses his sister and foretells a shameful death for her.
The church is resonant with the austere and dreary sound of an organ. Marguerite is trying to soothe her guilty conscience with prayers. However, in response, she hears awful words: “For you damnation! For you the fires of Hell!”
In despair, Marguerite kills her baby. The insane woman is declared a criminal and thrown in prison. She faces execution. Unbeknownst to everyone, Faust and Méphistophélès enter the prison. The maiden can only be saved before the dawn when the guard is fast asleep. Marguerite recognised the voice of her beloved. The anxious Méphistophélès rushes Faust: soon, it will be dawn. Marguerite refuses to leave with him − she is frightened by the evil she senses in the darkness. Salvation lies in sincerity and faith!
See also: libretto in Estonian and in English.
Why “Faust”?
Gounod’s “Faust” is one of the most popular operas in the world − the majority of people can hum Méphistophélès’ aria by heart without trouble and with much enjoyment. There is something spellbinding in dark forces − alas, even children are more interested in evil sorcerers, witches and skeletons than in the love stories of princes and princesses.
Religion and sin in the opera?
It seems that due to lack of demand, Méphistophélès will become unemployed on Earth, because humans are willingly doing his job for him. Giving in to temptations is the favourite pastime of humans and we love to fall prey to it. Turning to God is man’s last resort: when the effect of pills wears out, when there is no one to talk to, when one is lonely at heart, when one has nothing to strive for... And only the chosen are redeemed.
The essence of Faust’s yearnings?
Faust’s reason to regain his youth seems strange to me. As a learned man, Doctor and lawyer, he does not ask Méphistophélès to give him back his youth to make another discovery or write another book or create something that still needs to be invented. He longs for a youthful body only to seduce Marguerite...
Méphistophélès looks for challenges and a battle, but humans are willingly doing his job for him. Therefore he cries in solitude for our ravenous world.
Gounod versus Goethe?
Even Gounod could not spoil Goethe! Gounod made the music of his opera very melodious and simple, so that even those, who have not read Goethe’s masterpiece, would understand this powerful story.
Marguerite was innocent enough to let Faust seduce her. In their first duet she tells Faust that she is ready to die for him. Faust charms Marguerite, who flees offended, because Faust does not understand the nobility of her feelings. But temptation brings her back! In her anguish, she turns to God and is redeemed. I love her!
Dmitry Bertman, stage director
Where does the work on a staging begin for a designer?
In case of an opera, music plays an important part. Before starting work, I listened to “Faust” several times and watched several DVDs with productions from all over the world but I didn’t really feel overly excited about any of them. They all seemed predictable and safe somehow. Then I started searching for my own approach. I had the idea of an upside-down world – at the moment when Faust makes the bargain with the devil and regains his youth, everything around him changes. Usually, the rejuvenation of Faust is depicted merely by changing the looks of the character, for instance by removing his beard. It seemed to me, however, that in the eyes of Faust, the world should change with him. The director loved the idea. Changing the whole world from one extreme to another, in other words from the church into the cabaret, adds a level of conditionality to the staging, and other characters can proceed from that as well. This allows us to evade the classical, true-to-history approach and at the same time, different lines of action can develop between the arias.
For Dima, his vision of Méphistophélès is important − the devil always presents a person with two choices: give in to temptation or deny it. Each time when a person is presented with the choices, he chooses the one that is worse and this poses a question: should a creature as stupid as a human being be given a choice in the first place? Méphistophélès, however, doesn’t give up hope… In Dima’s vision, the devil is always tremendously sad when people choose temptation. I find it quite inspiring – a Méphistophélès who is sad over Faust’s persistently wrong choices!
What are the possibilities that Gonoud’s “Faust” offers to a stage designer? Is this an exciting challenge?
I feel that the music and the all-encompassing subject matter make it a serious challenge. If Dima and I hadn’t each found our own proceeding points then we would have been in trouble. There’s no way I would have wanted to drag on one of these classical traditional solutions… this would have seemed boring, a defeat. Now everything is shown in a different light and new connections emerge constantly. An example: when we change all church-goers into cabaret crowd then we immediately run into the question of what is a decent girl like Marguerite doing there. The only way to introduce her into the cabaret atmosphere is to turn her into a waitress making an honest living. In the second act, her brother Valentin comes back from the war and asks for his sister. What he sees is a strange waitress who just reminds him of his sister. It appears that Marguerite has been let go because she flirted with Faust. When placed in a specific environment, logical relations emerge between characters and they are no longer abstract, just because “the libretto says so”. This adds playfulness to the opera.
With “Faust”, the character of Siebel was also a great challenge, as he is interpreted by both countertenors and mezzo-sopranos. It is always relatively implausible when a woman in trousers expresses her love for another woman. Here we are presented with a task that seems almost too difficult to solve. But each idea has to be adopted in some way. For me, Siebel is a character who is always present without anyone noticing him. He’s a tragic, unnoticed lover; a person who is diligent and nice but thoroughly uncharismatic. It could be said that he is a sad clown. We did the first makeup rehearsal with Helen Lokuta and it was absolutely hilarious! Now we are trying to proceed from here. Of course, other characters need to be revised in a similar light – maybe we also need to make Méphistophélès more theatrical.
What are the decisive points of this opera for you?
The price of Faust’s rejuvenation. The price of one intoxicating moment. So familiar, so human, so tragic.
What is the basis for creating the set and the costumes?
Giving characteristic traits to a character is a single task shared by the director, the artist and the actor. As in our case, the director sees the character of Méphistophélès in an unexpected and more human light, then obviously the character of Faust becomes more negative next to him. I’m trying to observe what’s happening in the rehearsals and how these relations come together. When I’m giving faces to characters I generally try to make it interesting for myself as well. When you have dealt with some material long enough and stayed open-minded towards it, then you’ll come to recognise the traits that are right. You can’t lose interest in creating new characters and new combinations. I remember when I first met Dima. Five years ago Paul Himma, who was the head of the Estonian National Opera at the time, called me and introduced me to Dima in the hopes that if we “clicked”, we could create Tüür’s “Wallenberg” together. I hadn’t heard of Dmitri Bertman before, I hadn’t met him. I was quite busy at the time and thought that unless I really liked the guy I was going to say no. Dima took an international opera magazine that was lying on the table and flicked through it in front of me, pointing out different photos and headings: “Boring! Boring! Boring! Boring! Annoying! Boring! Annoying!” He put down the magazine, smiled, and said, “Hey, how about if we do something interesting?” I started to laugh too. Dima is still a very good friend of mine. Isn’t this a great story?
Ene-Liis Semper, designer
Download the front cover (JPG. 300 dpi, 1.4 MB)
Download high-resolution photographs: Scene, act I (photo by Harry Rospu, JPG, RGB, 300 dpi, 17.6 MB), Old Faust − Urmas Põldma (photo by Harry Rospu, JPG, RGB, 300 dpi, 17.1 MB)

Estonian National Opera
The Estonian National Opera, established in the year 1906, is a historic organisation with vital traditions and manifold functions.
The EsNO’s season, lasting 10 months from Sep until Jun, contains a varied repertoire of opera, ballet, operetta, musicals and children’ pieces. Around 250 performances of up to 30 different works are presented annually, including the cream of classical opera and operetta as well as contemporary masterpieces. On the top of that, the best works of Estonian origin are also shown on the stage!
The Estonian National Opera is the home of the symphony orchestra, the opera chorus and the ballet. The orchestra was founded in 1907 and it now employs almost a 100 musicians. In addition to its theatre assignments, the orchestra regularly performs symphonic works and records world classics as well as the best of Estonian music. The 54-strong opera chorus, besides participating in stage productions, consistently gives concerts on its own as well. The EsNO employs as many as 25−30 soloists. As a compliment to that, it welcomes guest singers on a regular basis. The EsNO ballet, existing within the framework of the opera company and employing approximately 60 dancers, is the country’s largest ballet troupe. Young choreographers are constantly enriching its repertoire of standard favourites with contemporary pieces and occasional avant-garde projects. In order to stay open to new ideas and fresh approaches, The EsNO always makes space and time in its working schedule for joint projects of multifarious nature, and for individual guest artists. For the latter to bring their unique experience onto our stage; for the Estonian audience, to partake of a different artistic vision.
Symbolically speaking, the EsNO’s location in the heart of Estonia’s capital city, Tallinn, is a reflection of the company’s artistic position – at the centre of Estonian culture.
Other recordings of Estonian National Opera by: 11 CD jubilee-box Estonia – 100, DVD Wallenberg, Cyrano de Bergerac, Lembitu, Artist Chagall, Verdi Wagner 200, DVD Coppélia, DVD Modigliani − the Cursed Artist, CD + bonus DVD Voices of the Estonian National Opera / Estonia Ooperihääled
Distribution by Estonian National Opera (Estonia Avenue 4, Tallinn 10148, Estonia, phone +372 6831242, fax +372 6313080)
● DVD. New! MODIGLIANI − THE CURSED ARTIST. The ballet by Tauno Aints and Thomas Edur. Estonian National Ballet
● DVD AD PATREM MEUM − Anna-Liisa Bezrodny (violin), Glasperlenspiel Sinfonietta, conductor Mikhail Leontyev
● The European Union Baroque Orchestra and its partner organisations are proud to announce that a new 4-year European large-scale co-operation project EUBO Mobile Baroque Academy (EMBA) launched with co-funding from the European Commission. EMBA will nurture the performance of Europe’s distinctive shared heritage of Baroque music, and the education of emerging Europe-wide talent, bringing Baroque music to new audiences in innovative ways across Europe. EMBA partners are: European Union Baroque Orchestra, Association of European Conservatoires, Concerto Copenhagen, Estonian Record Productions, Villa Musica Rheinland-Pfalz, Trifolion Festival Ville d’Echternach, The Malta Council for Culture and the Arts, Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag, Universitatea Nationala De Muzica Din Bucuresti, and St John’s Smith Square, London.
● DVD. New! COPPÉLIA by Léo Delibes. Estonian National Ballet
Most popular opera arias and ensembles.
1 | G Rossini | La Cenerentola | E allor... Si, ritrovarla io giuro | 6:49 |
2 | G Rossini | La Cenerentola | Nacqui all’affanno | 8:07 |
3 | W A Mozart | Don Giovanni | Madamina, il catalogo è questo | 5:48 |
4 | W A Mozart | Don Giovanni | Lá ci darem la mano | 3:06 |
5 | W A Mozart | Così fan tutte | Alla bella Despinetta | 4:46 |
6 | G Bizet | Carmen | Hol?! Carmen! Hol?! Hol?! | 3:53 |
7 | P Mascagni | Cavalleria rusticana | Mamma, quel vino è generoso | 3:28 |
8 | P Tchaikovsky | The Queen of Spades | Akh, istomilas y gorem | 4:45 |
9 | R Leoncavallo | Pagliacci | Si può? Singore! Signori! | 5:18 |
10 | G Puccini | Tosca | Tre sbirri, una carrozza | 4:11 |
11 | R Wagner | Tristan und Isolde | Prelude | 11:05 |
12 | R Wagner | Tristan und Isolde | Mild und leise wie er lächelt | 6:50 |
Performed by Riina Airenne, Rauno Elp, Nadia Kurem, Oliver Kuusik, Andres Köster, Mart Laur, Juuli Lill, Helen Lokuta, Mart Madiste, Urmas Põldma, Aare Saal, René Soom, Janne Ševtšenko, Jassi Zahharov, Valentīna Tāluma, Heli Veskus, Priit Volmer
Estonian National Opera Chorus, chorus master Elmo Tiisvald
Estonian National Opera Orchestra
Conductor – Jüri Alperten
Recorded in Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn, Aug 24th–26th, 2009
In co-operation with Estonian Broadcasting Corporation
Recording engineer – Enno Mäemets (Editroom)
Assistant engineer – Jaan Tsadurjan
Edited and mastered by AudioMaja
Texts by Liina Viru
Designed by Stella Tillo
Photos by Harri Rospu
Interviews by Arne Mikk
Video by Kalev Timuska, Janek Karakatš, Ivika Paart, Paavo Piiparinen, Rasmus Pembel, Anton Kulagin
DVD authoring and mastering by Jüri Tallinn
Artistic producer – Peeter Vähi
Executive producer – Aivar Mäe
Total time 69:17
Manufactured by Baltic Disc
ERP 2409
+ bonus DVD
#1, Rossini La Cenerentola, fragm, soloist Oliver Kuusik, 2 min 37 sec, mp3
#2, Rossini La Cenerentola, fragm, soloist Helen Lokuta, 3 min 22 sec, mp3
#10, Puccini Tosca, fragm, soloist Jassi Zahharov, 2 min 59 sec, mp3
#12, Wagner Tristan und Isolde, fragm, soloist Heli Veskus, 3 min 18 sec, mp3
Estonian National Opera
The Estonian National Opera, established in the year 1906, is a historic organisation with vital traditions and manifold functions.
The EsNO’s season, lasting 10 months from Sep until Jun, contains a varied repertoire of opera, ballet, operetta, musicals and children’ pieces. Around 250 performances of up to 30 different works are presented annually, including the cream of classical opera and operetta as well as contemporary masterpieces. On the top of that, the best works of Estonian origin are also shown on the stage!
The Estonian National Opera is the home of the symphony orchestra, the opera chorus and the ballet. The orchestra was founded in 1907 and it now employs almost a 100 musicians. In addition to its theatre assignments, the orchestra regularly performs symphonic works and records world classics as well as the best of Estonian music. The 54-strong opera chorus, besides participating in stage productions, consistently gives concerts on its own as well. The EsNO employs as many as 25–30 soloists. As a compliment to that, it welcomes guest singers on a regular basis. The EsNO ballet, existing within the framework of the opera company and employing approximately 60 dancers, is the country’s largest ballet troupe. Young choreographers are constantly enriching its repertoire of standard favourites with contemporary pieces and occasional avant-garde projects. In order to stay open to new ideas and fresh approaches, The EsNO always makes space and time in its working schedule for joint projects of multifarious nature, and for individual guest artists. For the latter to bring their unique experience onto our stage; for the Estonian audience, to partake of a different artistic vision.
Symbolically speaking, the EsNO’s location in the heart of Estonia’s capital city, Tallinn, is a reflection of the company’s artistic position – at the centre of Estonian culture.
Distribution by the Estonian National Opera and Easy Living Music ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , phone +372 51 06058)
Other records of Estonian National Opera produced by ERP: “Estonia” – 100 (11 CD jubilee-box), Cyrano de Bergerac, Lembitu, Verdi Wagner 200, DVD Wallenberg, DVD Coppélia, DVD Modigliani − the Cursed Artist, DVD Faust, Artist Chagall, DVD Georg Udukübara aaria
See also: Estonian National Opera at Glasperlenspiel Festival
Erkki-Sven Tüüri ainus ooper DVD’l Rahvusooper Estonia esituses. “Härra Wallenberg, minu perekond mahub Teie mantlitaskusse. Minu perekond määrib ära Teie sõrmed. Te võite seda kraapida Poola põldudelt, puude lehtedelt ja katusekividelt. Sellest pole niigi palju järel, et võiksite tuhast risti oma laubale maalida. Mitte niigi palju, et sõdur hakkaks köhima, kui nad talle kõrisse lendavad.”
Libreto. Eesti keeles
Libreto: Lutz Hübner
Tõlge eesti keelde: Heli Mattisen
Kas peame Wallenbergi austama?
Keda siis, kui mitte teda?
Mida ta tegi? Miks ta seda tegi? Kelle pärast ta seda tegi?
Mis on tähtis: Kas see, et aidatakse ja et elatakse või see, miks aidatakse?
Mida ta tegi?
Aga kas me austame elavat või surnut?
Miks ta seda tegi?
Mis hoolib sellest puu, mis kasvab tema auks?
Mis hoolib sellest sillutis tänaval, mis kannab tema nime?
Kui ta on surnud, siis kus on ta haud?
Kui ta elab, siis kus hoitakse teda vangis?
Kui ta on Õiglane rahvaste seas,
on siis tähtis, kas ta elab või on surnud?
Kas “tegu” on näide tulevast? Kas mälestus on tähtsam
kui inimene, kes elab ning sureb selle mälestuse varjus?
Loeb näide, mitte inimene.
Aga kus on Wallenberg?
Kus on Raoul Wallenberg?
Miks me teda ootame?
Miks ta siia kutsuti?
Meil on temaga midagi plaanis.
Ta on meie mees.
Miks just tema?
Tema on Wallenberg.
Ei midagi vähemat kui Wallenberg, aga ka mitte midagi enamat.
Nimi on üks asi, inimene midagi muud.
Ta õppis veidi juurat.
Aga see talle ei istunud.
Ta õppis veidi arhitektuuri.
Aga see talle ei istunud.
Ta õppis veidi pangandust.
Aga see talle ei istunud.
Ta kaupleb veidi delikatessidega.
Aga see talle ei istu.
Poolik inimene.
Aga ta on Wallenberg.
Ükski nimi ei saa tema kandja vastu.
Ta on Wallenberg.
Nimi, mis suudab uksi lahti teha.
Wallenberg on pank, mis teeb poolikuid tehinguid,
pooleldi sakslastega, pooleldi meiega.
Wallenberg on nimi,
mida poolik inimene ei täida, seal on veel paljuks ruumi,
mis poolikule inimesele peab jääma teadmata.
Ja Wallenberg on nimi, millel on hea kõla, seal,
kus poolikute lausetega tehakse terviklikke pakkumisi.
(Tuleb Wallenberg)
Härra Wallenberg, meil on Teile ülesanne.
Ameerika presidendi ja Põgenikeabi ülesanne.
Minge Budapesti ja püüdke päästa
nii palju inimesi kui võimalik!
Andke mulle mõtlemisaega.
Wallenberg, miks sa peaksid seda tegema?
See on kohutav, mis juutidega tehakse.
Aga kas see on meie probleem?
Mis see sinusse puutub, kui president avastab oma südames
kaastunde juutide vastu, sest valimisvõitlus on tulekul.
Mis see sinusse puutub, kui salateenistus tahab teha sinust
oma diplomaatia marionetti. Mis puutub sinusse sõda?
Mis puutub sinusse poliitika?
Ma vajan mõtlemisaega.
Kas Te olete otsustanud, Wallenberg?
Mind on ainult üks.
Me anname Teile raha.
Mind on ainult üks.
Kas Te tahate oma elu lõpetada
pelgalt hanemaksade importijana?
Mind on ainult üks.
Diplomaatiline puutumatus!
Kas Te tahate olla elu lõpuni
pelgalt ühe suure nime ripats?
Mind on ainult üks.
Aadressid, informatsioon!
Kas Te tahate oma elu lõpetada inimesena,
kellel pole miski õnnestunud?
Me näitame Teile kätte Teie sõbrad ja Teie vaenlased.
Kas Te ei taha olla kordki kasulik?
Ma mõtlesin viis minutit järele.
Nende viie minutiga tapeti viis inimest, lasti maha,
mürgitati gaasiga, löödi surnuks.
Iga minut, mis mul minekuks kulub,
maksab ühe inimelu.
Mida Te teete?
Kas sul pole silmi peas või? Siin tehakse tööd,
me täidame oma kohust.
Tuhat juuti, iga päev, iga tund üks rong.
Tuhat nimekirja, tuhat sõiduplaani.
Sada oli neid eelmisel nädalal, tuhat on sellel nädalal,
kaks tuhat järgmisel nädalal, iga päev,
kakskümmend neli tundi järjest,
iga minut, mil keegi esitab rumalaid küsimusi,
on kaduma läinud minut.
Miks just need inimesed?
Tuhanded küsivad iga päev, kes küsib, on juut!
Kes kannab numbrit, mis jääb ühe ja tuhande vahele, see on juut!
Kes nendesse vagunitesse siseneb, on juut!
Kes maha lastakse seepärast, et mul pole aega vastata, on juut!
Kas sa tahad vagunisse minna või edasi küsida?
Mina olen rootslane.
Ma võin ka rootslasest juudi teha.
Minema astuda!
Ma olen puutumatu.
Ma suudan vastupidist tõestada.
Minema astuda!
Ma olen diplomaat.
Minema astuda!
Oodake, see mees on rootslane, järelikult puutumatu.
On see kindel?
Pass saab võitu relvast,
aga relv saab võitu inimesest.
(Tapab mehe)
Kas nägid? Juut!
Pass saab võitu relvast,
relv inimesest.
Mida suudab veri tindi vastu?
Mida suudab kuul templi vastu?
Minu käes tuksub mu süda...
Tuhanded juudid aetakse homme hommikul nende majadest välja.
Tuhanded rootslased tulevad homme õhtul oma majadesse tagasi.
Sina siia ja sina sinna!
Liiguta end, meil pole lõpmatult aega!
Juba jälle Teie!
Lahkuge otsekohe perroonilt!
Seis, sellel mehel seal on pass,
ja sellel samuti,
sina seal, sul on ju pass, või kuidas?
Ja sina, sul on ju ka pass, eks ole?
Siia veoauto juurde, aga ruttu!
Mida Te teete?
Kas Teil pole silmi peas?
Siin tehakse tööd, ma täidan oma kohust.
Sada rootslast, iga päev,
kakskümmend neli tundi järjest,
ja iga minut,
mil mõni esitab rumalaid küsimusi,
on kaduma läinud minut.
Minema astuda!
Need on juudid.
Teil Pole selleks õigust!
See, kellel on see pass, on rootslane.
Kes on rootslane, seda määran mina.
Kes on rootslane, on puutumatu.
Kas ma pean sinu peale kaebama? Kas sa tahad rindele tagasi?
Tee oma tööd, lase minul teha oma
ja nüüd astu kõrvale, enne kui ma teatan kuhu vaja.
Mul pole aega, kas said aru?
Pass saab võitu inimesest, pass saab võitu relvast.
Tulista neid! Kas võtad endale selle vastutuse?
Järgmine kuul tabab sind, sest sa
ajasid juudid rootslastega segi.
Minema astuda, ütlesin ma!
Minge koju, te olete minu kaitse all.
Paber võib kaduma minna. See kukub rentslisse.
See võidakse puruks rebida, varastada.
Paber on kannatlik, liiga kannatlik.
Te olete Rootsi kaitse all.
See on ainult paber, me oleme
ka paberist tugevamat usaldanud.
Aga see paber tähendab elu.
Paber ei leevenda nälga, ei soojenda.
Elu on rohkemat kui olla mittesurnud.
Ma tänan Teid selle paberi eest.
Ma tänan teid oma noorima poja päästmise eest.
Kus on Teie ülejäänud lapsed?
(Naine lahkub nuttes)
Sellest, mis teen, ei piisa!
Vagunis mitteolemisest ei piisa!
Gaasikambrisse mitteminemisest ei piisa!
Mahalaskmisest pääsemine pole piisav,
mitteolemisest tapaloomaks
ja arvuks ühe ja tuhande vahel ei piisa!
Olla inimene ilma voodita, ilma katuseta pea kohal,
ilma söögi ja joogita – see pole piisav!
Pass, tükike vaba maad, vaid käelaba suurune, sellest ei piisa.
Maja pole piisav, kuid see oleks algus. Teised inimesed,
kes oma elu minutitel teisi surmasuust välja kisuvad,
seegi pole piisav. Kuid see oleks algus.
Üksnes surma saabaste vastu võitlemisest ei piisa.
Tunda tema nägu või kätt,
millega ta kägistab, sellest ei piisa,
aga see oleks algus!
Keda Te ootate, Wallenberg?
Kellele toote ohvriks oma aja?
Kes on Teie jaoks nii tähtis,
et ootate teda terve tunni?
Kas Kivist Külaline, härra Wallenberg?
Ma kutsusin ta külla, et saada teada,
millest ta on tehtud.
Jäin hiljaks, vabandust, mu härrased,
aga tööl pole lõppu.
Mitte keegi ei tea seda paremini kui võõrustaja,
see juudimajade isand, juudikoer.
Kogu Budapest sahiseb kollastest lehtedest,
vaevu veel on näha kollaseid tähti
kogu selle rootsi lehesaju juures,
mis meie linna peale on langenud, aitab naljast!
Polegi pikki lusikaid, härra Wallenberg?
Te sööte koos Saatanaga, kas Te ei teagi seda?
Aitab naljast, asja juurde!
Kas Teie sõbrad ei taha veel paari juuti päästa,
kuniks neid veel Budapestis on?
(Kaastöötajad lahkuvad ruumist)
Kas Teie saatjad ei taha püüda neid selles takistada?
Te ei kutsunud mind külla mitte seepärast,
et keegi teine koos Teiega ei söö, Teil on linnas sõpru
ja iga päevaga üha rohkem. Teil on sõbrad ka mujal,
Te ei söö minuga koos sellepärast, et Te sakslasi armastate,
Te pole mitte sellepärast siin, et Te ungarlasi armastate
ja Te ei päästa ka juute sellepärast, et Te neid armastate,
asja juurde. Mida Te tahate? Mis on Teie ülesanne?
Ma olen siin selleks, et inimesi päästa.
See on mu ülesanne, ei miski muu.
Seda ma ei usu, Wallenberg.
Miks Teie siin olete, härra Eichmann?
Ma transpordin inimesi siit sinna,
ei midagi enamat. See on mu ülesanne.
Siin on inimesed, kes elavad,
kuna mina olen siin, ja mida kauem ma siin olen,
seda rohkem neid saab.
Mida kauem olen siin mina, seda vähem saab olema inimesi,
keda Te päästa saate. See on matemaatika,
seda Te peate ju ometi teadma! Te olete pankur,
Te olete kaupmees, lisaks kõigele veel halb kaupmees.
Te pole millestki aru saanud. Te armastate inimesi,
selles on Teie viga. Mina austan juute, ma olin Palestiinas,
ma tunnen nende keelt, nende ajalugu, ma loen juutide raamatuid.
Aga minu ülesanne on kalkulatsioonid, sõiduplaanid,
kontingendid, üksused, haldamine, nimekirjad ja evakuatsioon.
Mina peenrahaga ei tegele. Aitab naljast!
Teid on vaid üks, ei enam, sellest ei piisa.
Te eksite, ma ei ole üksi.
Mul on üks liitlane: Aeg.
See töötab minu heaks, mitte Teie heaks.
See pole mitte esimene põlev linn, mida ma näen.
Pole minu ülesanne seda kustutada.
Aitab naljast, mis on Teie pakkumine?
Lõpetage. Te olete kaotanud.
Linn põleb ja Teie trükite passe.
Pass on tükike paberit, eks ole? See võib ära põleda.
Turvamaja on ainult maja, millel lehvib Rootsi lipp, eks ole?
See võib maha põleda.
See põleb niisama kergelt nagu inimene.
Kas sa tead seda, Wallenberg?
Kas sa tead, milline on kurss juutide suhtes?
Puutumatus on pelgalt kokkulepe, eks ole?
Rootsi on üksnes maa kaugel põhjas, eks ole?
Kokkuleppe võib unustada, eks ole?
Põhi on Ungarist kaugel, eks ole?
Kümme tuhat juuti ühe veoauto eest?
Kaks miljonit juuti rahu eest?
Kas sa ei tea, et inimene on kaup?
Diplomaadile võib auto otsa sõita, ta võib sillalt alla
kukkuda või kuriteo ohvriks langeda, eks ole?
Me elame ajal, mil juhtub nii mõndagi. Iga minut toob kaasa
uusi küsimusi. Kas Te olete nende küsimuste üle juba mõelnud?
Mida on väärt inimene, kui iga päev läheb
viis tuhat gaasikambrisse?
Mida on väärt turvapass, kui iga päev
antakse tuhat välja?
Mida on väärt turvapass, kui see on igaühel olemas?
Kas sa ei tunne inflatsiooni reegleid?
Kas Te olete juba sellele mõelnud,
et ma võin oma arvamust muuta?
Kas sa tead, milline on kurss?
Kas sa tead, kelle kätes see on?
Või et teised oma arvamust muudavad?
Kas sa tead, mis on su väärtus sõjabörsil?
Kas Te olete juba mõelnud sellele,
miks Teil lastakse teha seda, mida Te teete?
Kas sa tead, miks sa veel elad?
Kas Teie ei tea seda?
Kas Te ei tea?!
Iga küsimus on kaotatud minut.
Iga minut tapab.
Iga minut viib meid lähemale tapmise lõpule.
Ka siis, kui aeg
on minu poolel. Mul pole aega!
(Eichmann lahkub)
Härra Wallenberg?
Käskjalg. Teine sekretär. Toiduainete jagaja.
Kuller. Kas sa vajad tööd?
Kas sa tahad telefoneerida?
Kas sa tahad raamatupidajaks?
Kas sa tahad toiduaineid jagada?
Kas sa tahad nimekirju koostada?
Härra Wallenberg, ma tahan Teile oma kaitsepassi tagasi anda.
Ma tahan oma perekonna juurde.
Too nad siia, mul on kõigile rakendust.
Too nad siia, ma annan neile turvapassid.
Härra Wallenberg, minu perekond mahub Teie mantlitaskusse.
Minu perekond määrib ära Teie sõrmed.
Te võite neid kokku kraapida Poola põldudelt, puude lehtedelt
ja viilkatuste harjadelt, nendest pole niigi palju järel,
et Te võiksite tuhast risti oma laubale maalida,
mitte niigi palju, et sõdur hakkas köhima,
kui nad talle kurku lendavad. Nemad ootasid mind kodus,
kuid koputaja polnud mina. Milleks mulle mu kingiks saadud elu,
kuidas saan elada süütundega, et läksin ühel päeval
tänavale siis, kui teised jäid majja.
Kas pean oma elu rajama jalutuskäigule ja õnnele,
et kohtusin Teiega?
Öelge mulle, kuidas pean üle saama süütundest
sellepärast, et elan?
(Naine astub rongile)
Ma suren igaühes, keda ma päästa ei saa. Ma suren igaühes,
kelle ma päästan. Iga kuul tabab mind. Miks ma veel elan?!
Mul on gaas kopsudes! Miks ma ei karju oma viimase hingeõhuga,
see kriibib surnutest, kes mulle eelnesid! Ma näen üksnes surma.
Kui olen paigal, siis ta ründab mind, ajab higi mu naha alt välja.
Võta endale õhtujagu aega, üks tund, ainult sinu enda jaoks
ja kui mitte enda, siis minu jaoks. Vaata mulle silma,
ei enamat. Unusta üheks hingetõmbeks, üheks minutiks,
üheks tunniks, üheks õhtuks see, kes oled!
Wallenberg, kas sa kuuled mind?
Pole aega! Mitte mõelda rahule, vaid sõja lõpule.
Pole aega. Mitte mõelda lõpule, lõpp on kõikjal,
vaid algusele, ja algus tähendab aega, ja minul ei ole aega.
Kes elab, see töötab, kes ei taha töötada, see ei jää elama,
kes ei saa töötada, see ei saa elada, kellel pole väärtust,
see on väärtusetu, ja kes on väärtusetu, see kriipsutatakse maha.
Ja Jehoova käsi sai minu peale,
ja Jehoova viis mu välja vaimuga
ja pani mu peatama keset laia orgu,
ja see oli täis luid.
Ja ta saatis mu neist mööda ümberkaudu,
ja vaata, neid oli väga palju laia oru põhjas,
ja vaata, nad olid väga kuivanud.
Ja tema ütles mu vastu: “Inimesepoeg,
kas needsinatsed luud küll peaksid
jälle elavaks saama? ”
Ja ma ütlesin: “Issand, Issand, Issand…”
Härra Wallenberg!
Ma tulen, et Teiega hüvasti jätta.
Minu töö on lõppenud.
Teie sõda on kaotatud.
Ma ütlesin Teile, et aeg töötab minu kasuks.
Te mõtlete valesti. Ikka veel, härra Wallenberg!
Ma olin ühe aasta Budapestis, tulin kolmeteistkümne inimesega.
Deporteerisin kolmsada tuhat juuti.
Teie heaks töötas üksnes aeg,
minu heaks Wehrmacht, SS, Ungari ja juudid.
Jah, isegi juudid, seda ei nimeta ma kaotuseks.
Ja Teie? Kui palju päästsite Teie, Wallenberg?
Ma ei tea, mul polnud aega kokku lugeda.
Polnud aega? Kas tõesti? Aitab naljast.
Te päästsite sada tuhat, ma lugesin kokku.
Teist ei saa midagi, Wallenberg. Parimal juhul
vaid kangelane, büst, ei midagi praktiliseks eluks.
Saja tuhande kangelane, seda on kerge öelda, see on ilus arv.
Ma ei taha seda ilu ometi rikkuda ühega. Teda on ju kõigest üks.
Ometi rikuks ta arvu ära. Arv võidab inimese.
(Laseb inimese maha)
Ma ei talu verd. Kas Teie talute? Kas talute?
Nüüd on algus, nüüd on aeg!
On vaja kortereid, tööd ja süüa.
Kõik, mis on lõhki käristatud, tuleb taas kokku siduda!
Kõik, mis on lahku kistud, omavahel ühendada!
Aeg on surnud maha matta ja elavad koju saata,
ning tühjaksjäänud laua taga, peab taas keegi istuma.
Kus palvetati, peab taas keegi palvetama,
ja kus tänu passile elati, peab jälle keegi elama,
kuna ta hingab ja on inimene,
mitte enam number ega nimekiri
ja kollane täht pole enam surmaotsus,
vaid kuulub taevale ja luuletustesse, ei rohkemat.
See on algus või alguse algus. Aga see on algus
Tulge kaasa. Sõbralikule vestlusele.
Meie juures teda pole.
Nii et ärge rohkem pärige!
Ja kui ta meie juures on, siis läheb tal hästi.
Nii et ärge rohkem pärige!
Ja kui tal halvasti läheb, siis on süüdi tema tervis, mitte elu trellide taga.
Ja kui tema seisund halveneb, siis oleme teinud kõik, et teda aidata.
Nii et ärge rohkem pärige!
Ja kui ta on surnud, siis me ei tea, kus ta haud on.
Ja kui ta leitakse, kuul peas, pole ükski meist päästikule vajutanud.
Nii et ärge rohkem pärige!
Ja kui keegi meist on tulistanud, siis oli tal selleks põhjus ja käsk.
Nii et ärge rohkem pärige!
Sest siis oli ta vaenlane, spioon ja nats,
siis ta pidigi surema või kõnnib ta teedel,
millest me midagi ei tea, teiste nimede all, mida meie ei tea.
Siis on ta meie juures ja me ei tea seda,
ja see teeb sama välja, kui et meie juures teda pole.
Nii et ärge rohkem pärige, sest meil teda pole.
Kus on Raoul Wallenberg?
Väga paljud…
…pole seal, kus nad olema peavad.
Väga paljud…
...otsivad ja ei leia neid, keda otsivad.
Väga paljusid...
...ei otsita, kuna pole enam kedagi, kes neid otsida võiks.
Terve tänava võiksite nendega sillutada, aga teie otsite üht kangelast.
Miks te ei otsi neid, kellel polnud aega kangelasteks saada,
ainult ohvriks, see käib kiiremini.
Abi vajavad need,
kes on vaid nimed nimede vahel.
Kus on Raoul Wallenberg?
Meie juures teda pole!
Miks Wallenberg?
Ta oli hea kangelane.
Täitsamees, kes ajab asja nagu täitsamees või üldse mitte.
Täitsamehest kangelane! Kas kuuled, Wallenberg?
Kuid esialgu on võidetud vaid pool sõda.
Pooled lahingutest on praeguseks võidetud.
Alles pooltest vaenlastest jagu saadud.
Pärast sõda on enne sõda.
Avame kangelaste hauad, neid läheb veel vaja.
Sõda neelab toorainet, kangelased on tooraine ja toorainet on vähe.
Ja Wallenberg on nimi, mida poolik sõda ei suuda täita.
Härra Wallenberg, Te olete oma asja hästi ajanud.
Ma tegin, mida suutsin, nüüd on see möödas.
Mul oli palju plaanis, vähesega sain hakkama,
aga vähe on rohkem kui mitte midagi.
Te eksite, härra Wallenberg.
Võib ju olla, et kes sada tuhat päästab,
saab kingiks elu, võib olla üks elab, kui sajad teda näevad.
Laske mul surra!
Teil on uus missioon, härra Wallenberg!
Mind saadetakse Kolõmasse, nad ütlesid seda mulle,
ma saan 25 aastat spionaaži eest, ma ei tea, miks!
Mitu korda ma pean teile veel ütlema, et ma pole spioon, see on absurdne!
Rumeenlast pole enam näha, ta ei tulnud ülekuulamiselt tagasi.
Ka rootslast pole enam siin. Kuulsin, et ta olevat üle viidud.
Keegi itaallane istub kongis minu all.
Minult küsiti Wallenbergi kohta.
Ma tulin teie juurde vabatahtlikult, seda te ei saa eitada!
Nad lasevad pärast otsuse teatamist maha.
Ainult mitte Vladimirisse, seda ei ela keegi üle!
Mina olen grusiinlane, ma tundsin Stalinit,
see oli mulle kohtuotsuseks.
Loomulikult olin ma kontaktis natsidega, see kuulus mu ülesannete hulka!
Ma kirjutasin kirja. Eile kutsusid nad kindrali kohale.
Sa pead koputamissüsteemi ära õppima. Saabub pakke, ka kirju.
Kes kirja saab, see sureb. Kes kirju ei saa, see sureb.
Ma ei tea midagi separaatsetest läbirääkimistest, ma tahan inimesi päästa!
Ma istun juba kümme aastat, see tõestab mu süüd.
See on juutide vastu! Ei, see on kirjanike vastu!
Ma tahan rääkida Rootsi suursaadikuga!
Arstide vastu, kui nad on spioonid ja juudi verd
ja tundsid Trotskit. Mina ei tundnud kedagi.
Need on kõige hullemad. Kes kõike salgab, sellel on midagi varjata.
Kes midagi üles tunnistab, selle süü on tõestatud.
Ma ei kirjuta kuhugi alla!
Mul on diplomaatiline puutumatus!
Kes on venelane, see on oma maa reetnud.
Kes on välismaalane, see on spioon.
Seda kõike ma ütlesin teile juba Debrecenis, eks ole?
Surm on süü tõendus.
Rootslane on surnud!
Rootslane elab!
Rootslane on surnud!
Ma ei tee enam mingeid ülestunnistusi!
Kes on rootslane?
Kes on Wallenberg?
Kas sa mäletad tammi, mille me ehitasime?
Sõnu, mida sa mulle ütlesid? Karistust lumes?
Öid vagunis ja surnuid, kes jaamas välja laaditi?
Ma ei mäleta.
Naeru, kui minu kohtunik laagrisse tuli?
Karistusalune nagu meiegi? Ja siis kohtuniku kohtunik?
Ja nii edasi ja kui kõik laagrisse on jõudnud,
mõistetakse meid vabadusse, tühjaks jäänud riigi esimesed
elanikud, ja sina jooksed Rootsimaale tagasi. Kas sa mäletad?
Ma ei mäleta.
Kui mina sündisin, olid sina laagris.
Kui ma kooli läksin, olid sina laagris.
Kui ma abiellusin, olid sina laagris.
Ma ei mäleta.
Kui mind kinni võeti, olid sina laagris.
Kui ma laagris ahastusse langesin, ilmusid sina kohale.
Elu enne laagrit ja elu laagris.
Kaks elu, sina andsid mulle lootust minu teisele elule.
Kuna sina jäid ellu, jään ellu ka mina.
Ja ma jäin ellu, tänu sinule, Wallenberg.
Kas sa mäletad?
Ma ei mäleta.
Ma ei tea, miks mind kinni võeti.
Ma ei tea, miks ma Kolõmasse sattusin.
Ma ei tea, miks minust laagris vana mees sai.
Ma nägin sind, Wallenberg ja kümme aastat lumes,
et üht Kristust näha, pole pikk aeg!
Mind võeti kinni, et saaksin sind näha!
Ma olin Kolõmas, et sind näha!
Minust sai vana mees, et saaksin sind näha,
meest, kellest kõneleb maailm, Wallenberg. Kas mäletad?
Ma ei mäleta.
Tuleta meelde, Wallenberg!
Ma ei mäleta. Minu peas on auk, sada tuhat nime
voolab sellest välja. Nimed, mida ma veel kunagi kuulnud pole,
ka minu enda nimi voolab minust läbi.
Sind on ainult üks,
meid, kes me sind nägime, on palju.
Tuleta meelde, Wallenberg!
Te ei saa mind sundida, ma ütlesin, mida öelda võisin, ma ei anna enam tunnistusi.
Te ei saa mind sundida, ma hakkan vastu, ma olen Raoul Wallenberg.
Ma mäletan!
(Saabub Wallenberg II)
Kes sina oled?
Mina olen Raoul Wallenberg!
Ma olen surnud. Minu töö on tehtud.
Mina otsustan, millal sinu töö tehtud on.
Lase mul minna.
Sa sünnitasid minu. Sa ei kuulu enam iseendale.
Mina olen Raoul Wallenberg!
Ja kes olen mina?
Sina oled visand. Mina olen pilt!
Sina oled kivi. Mina olen skulptuur!
Sina oled liivatera. Mina olen pärl!
Lase mul minna.
Sina oled materjal, millest tehakse kangelasi.
Kas sa tahad olla ainult poolik kangelane? Iga tänavakoer
lakub su jalgu, kui kuuleb su nime. Sina oled Wallenberg.
Ma olen vaid üks paljudest, kellest sõda on üle käinud.
Ma olen vaid üks miljoneist. Lase mul minna!
Ma kaabin su välja mullast!
Ma kaevan su kolba välja mudast!
Ma tõmban välja ora su rinnast.
Ma kraabin Lubjanka ahjust kokku su tuha!
Vali endale surm, mina röövin selle sult ära!
Vali endale tuhat surma, mida sajand on leiutanud!
Ükski ei too sulle rahu. Mina olen su kangelane,
sa ei saa minust enam lahti.
Ma imen sinust välja su elu,
ma varastan ära su mälestused,
sinu näo ja sa ei tunne end enam ära
ja sinust ei jää midagi järele!
Ma tahtsin palju, saavutasin vähe.
Aga vähe on rohkem kui mitte midagi.
Nüüd olen ma tuhk, ei enamat kui tuhk.
Päästke mind!
Teie olete päästja, mitte mina.
Aitab naljast!
Oli see alles elu, kui oli veel ainult üks surm,
milles võis leida rahu. Eks ole, juudikoer?
Võis segamatult tööd teha. Ja nüüd, juudikoer?
Aga oma saatusest pole pääsu.
Kuhu Te lähete?
Olen teel Jeruusalemma.
Mind puuakse kogu maailma silme ees üles.
Puhas lõpp, raamatud suletakse. Mina olen raamatupidaja.
Teie peate olema kangelane, kuna olete halb raamatupidaja,
isegi kui Te seda ei taha. Ma olen Teis pettunud, juudikoer!
Aga otsetee polnud kunagi Teie jaoks.
Te tegite endale oma elu alati raskeks. Mina sigitasin
ilmale poja, kui Teie olite tolm ühes Moskva lombis.
Mul oli naisi, hea söök, kui Teil polnud isegi aega
üheks söögikorraks, kuigi aeg oli Teie poolt ja oli Teile truu.
Ta on truult Teie kõrval, see aeg, et Te igavesti Gulagis
ringi rändaksite ja mina sundisin Teid selleks.
See on minu kättemaks. Te olete minu kangelane. Oleks ma Teid
Budapestis maha lasknud, oleksite oma rahu saanud.
Aga ilma minuta oleksite jäänud väikepoodnikuks
ja Te poleks praegu kangelane, kes surra ei tohi.
Käsk saab võitu inimlikkusest. Statistika saab võitu julgusest.
Banaalsus saab võitu erandeist ja kurjus on vaid headus valel ajal.
Aitab naljast, mul pole enam aega! Ma pean oma loo lõpetama.
Juba lapsena üliandekas. Ilus ja vaimurikas!
Naiste sõber, meeste iidol.
Naeratava näoga põrgu lõugade vahel.
Vabaduse leegid! Päästeingel!
Juba lapsena üliandekas.
Kui minult küsitakse, miks me natsidele terast tarnisime,
ütlen: Raoul Wallenberg, minu vennapoeg Siberi jääväljadel.
Minu isa on surnud, taevas.
Me ei pommitanud Auschwitzi suunduvat raudteed.
Aga meil on Wallenberg.
Mul õnnestus kõik
Ma tulen Kansasest. Maa on suur ja päikeseline.
Miks ma peaksin lumes surema?
Minu kangelased on ameeriklased.
Kui minult küsitakse, miks me kaitsesime saksa firmasid,
ütlen: Raoul Wallenberg, minu vennapoeg Siberi jääväljadel!
Ilus ja vaimurikas!
Me ei pommitanud krematooriume,
aga meil on Wallenberg.
Maailm oli mu ees avatud.
Aga kui ma Wallenbergist kuulsin, rootslasest,
kenast nagu Elvis, punaste küüniste vahel.
Hiilgavad väljavaated, millest ma ka kinni haarasin.
Me saatsime tagasi juutidega täidetud laevu.
Aga meil on Wallenberg.
Aidata inimesi.
Ma tean, kuidas tulistatakse. Te võite minuga arvestada.
Üks sõna, mida mina ütlesin, peletas kurja eemale.
Me heidame nad merre. Wallenbergi ja Jumala maa nimel.
Ei jälgegi kahtlusest.
Ma ütlen teile, mida ma Wallenbergist tean...
Andke mulle veidi teed.
Naeratava näoga põrgu lõugade vahel.
Ma kohtasin üht rootslast. Ma vajan uusi riideid.
Seisin keldriakna juures ja nägin rootslase kingi tulemas ja minemas.
Ma kandsin oma saatust raudse tahtega.
Eeskuju inimestele.
Ta jutustas mulle Budapestist.
Minu vahendid on ammendatud.
Vabaduse leek. Kurjuse rusudest karjusin ma vabasse maailma.
Tema nimi oli Wallenberg. Ma otsin tööd.
Mina olen nägu.
Tal läheb hästi. Mul pole korterit.
…ja ma armastasin alati rootslase kingi. Alati.
Masinate vahel.
Aidake teda! Aidake mind,
kes ma aitan abistajat aidata.
Meil teda pole või on? Meil teda pole.
Aga kui ta meil on, miks me sellest midagi ei tea?
Kõik näevad teda, ainult meie mitte, kuigi näeme kõike.
Isegi seda, mida keegi teine ei näe.
Meie näeme töölisklassi võitu! Me teame, mis on vandenõu!
Me tunneme spioone! Aga temast vaatame mööda,
tema on meil ja meie ei teagi. Ta on ju meil,
kuigi teda pole meil kunagi olnud.
Ameerika Ühendriikide president.
Täna kirjutan ma alla sellele dokumendile, millega Raoul Wallenberg
nimetatakse Ameerika Ühendriikide aukodanikuks.
See, mida ta tegi, mida saavutas, omab Piibli mastaapi.
Kartmatu ohtude ees, pühendus ta teistele nende kannatustes.
Kus iganes ta täna ka on, tema inimlikkus põleb tõrvikuna.
Natsid olid läinud ja sovjetid tulnud liitlastena,
kuid ometi on tõendeid selle kohta, et ta on ikka veel
Nõukogude sõjavangis.
Aga Wallenberg. Kui ütlen Wallenberg.
Aga meil on Wallenberg.
Aga meil on Wallenberg.
Saladus Wallenberg.
Varjus õilishing. Sada tuhat juuti on päästetud.
Kangelaslikkuse ja piinade vahel.
Teadmata kadunud kangelane.
Mees raudses võrgus.
Ma määrin teie sõrmed ära.
Te võite mind kokku kraapida põldudelt,
puude lehtedelt ja viilkatuste harjadelt,
te ei leia minust niigi palju, et sõdur hakkaks köhima,
kui ma talle kurku lendan ja kes saab hingata,
mõeldes tuhale, mis lendab kopsudesse.
See also: Opera Wallenberg
The only opera by Erkki-Sven Tüür on DVD. Performed by Estonian National Opera. “Mister Wallenberg, my family will fit in your coat pocket. My family will make your fingers dirty, you can scrape them together from Polish fields, tree leaves and the ridges of gable roofs, there is not even so much left of them that you could paint a cross with ashes on your forehead, not even so much that a soldier would start coughing when they fly into his throat.”
Libretto by Lutz Hübner
Translation into English by Kesklinna Tõlkekeskus
Do we have to honour Wallenberg?
Who else if not him?
What did he do? Why did he do it? For whom did he do it?
What is important:
that one helps and lives or why does one help?
What did he do?
But do we honour the living or the dead?
Why did he do it?
What does a tree care that is growing in his honour?
What does the street care that is bearing his name?
If he is dead, where is his grave?
If he is alive, where is he kept in prison?
If he is the Righteous among the nations,
is it important then whether he is alive or dead?
Is this an example for the future?
Is memory more important than a man,
who lives and dies in the shadow of that memory?
The example matters, not the man.
But where is Wallenberg?
Where is Raoul Wallenberg?
Why are we waiting for him?
Why was he invited here?
We have something in store for him.
He is our on our side.
Why him?
He is Wallenberg.
No less than Wallenberg
but no more either.
Name is one thing, the man another.
He studied law for a while.
But this did not suit him.
He studied architecture for a while.
But this did not suit him.
He studied banking for a while.
But this did not suit him.
He is trading with delicatessen a little.
But this does not suit him.
An incomplete man.
But he is Wallenberg.
No name is bigger than its bearer.
He is Wallenberg.
The name that can open doors.
Wallenberg is the bank
that makes half-deals,
half with Germans, half with us.
Wallenberg is a name that
a half-man does not fill,
there is room for a lot more
that must remain unknown for a half-man.
And Wallenberg is the name
that has a good sound,
where whole offers are made
in incomplete sentences.
(Wallenberg enters)
Mister Wallenberg, we have a task for you.
The task commissioned by the President of America
and the Refugee Assistance.
Go to Budapest and try
to save as many people as possible!
Give me time to think.
Wallenberg, why should you do it?
It is terrible what is done to the Jews.
But is it our problem?
What is it to you, when
the President discovers in his heart compassion for the Jews,
because the elections are coming.
What is it to you, when
the Secret Service wants to make you
the puppet of its diplomacy.
What business is war to you?
What does the politics concern you?
I need time to think.
Have you decided, Wallenberg?
I am alone.
We will give you money.
But I am alone.
Do you want to die,
being just an importer of goose liver?
But I am alone.
Diplomatic immunity!
But I am alone.
Do you want to die,
being just a pendant to a big name?
Addresses, information!
Do you want to die,
being a man who has not succeeded at anything?
We will show you your friends and your enemies.
Don’t you want to be useful just for once to be useful?
I thought about it for five minutes.
During these five minutes
five people were killed,
shot, poisoned with gas, slain.
Each minute that it takes me to go,
costs one human life.
What are you doing?
Don’t you have eyes, or what?
Work is done here, we are doing our duty.
Thousand every day, this is no child’s play.
Thousand Jews, every day, every hour
one train that arrives, one train that leaves.
Thousand lists, thousand timetables.
Last week, there were a hundred of them, this week a thousand,
two thousand next week, every day,
twenty-four hours in a row,
every minute, when someone
asks stupid questions,
is a minute lost.
Why these people?
Thousands ask every day, who asks is a Jew!
Who bears a number that is between one and thousand, is a Jew!
Who enters these carriages, is a Jew!
Who is shot because I don’t have time to answer, is a Jew!
Do you want to go into the carriage or keep on asking?
I am a Swede.
I can make a Jew also out of a Swede.
Get going!
I have immunity.
I can prove the opposite.
Get going!
I am a diplomat.
Get going!
Wait, this man is a Swede, therefore he is untouchable.
Is this certain?
Passport wins a weapon,
but a weapon wins a man.
(Kills the man)
Did you see? A Jew!
Passport wins a weapon,
a weapon wins a man.
What can blood do against ink?
What can a bullet do against a stamp?
My heart is beating in my hand...
A yellow paper with a Swedish crown on it.
Tomorrow morning, thousands of Jews
will be driven out of their houses.
Tomorrow afternoon thousands of Swedes
will come back to the houses.
You – over here and you – over there!
Move yourself, we don’t have time forever!
You again!
Leave the platform at once!
Stop, this man over there has a passport
and this one as well,
you there, you also have a passport, right?
And you, you also have a passport, right?
Come here to the truck, but quickly!
What are you doing?
Don’t you have eyes?
Work is done here, I do my duty.
Hundred Swedes, every day,
twenty-four hours in a row,
and every minute, when someone
asks stupid questions,
is a minute lost.
Get going!
These are Jews.
You have no right for that!
The one who has this passport is a Swede.
I decide who is a Swede.
The one who is a Swede, is untouchable.
Do I have to complain about you?
Do you want to go back to the front?
Do your work, let me do mine
and now step aside before I report where needed.
I have no time, do you understand?
Passport wins a man, passport wins a weapon.
Shoot them! Will you take responsibility for that?
The next bullet will hit you, because you
took a Swede for a Jew!
I said, get going!
Go home, you are under my protection.
1st ONE
The paper may get lost. It falls into the gutter.
2nd ONE
It may be torn to pieces, stolen.
3rd ONE
The paper is patient, too patient.
You are under Swedish protection.
2nd ONE
This is only paper, we have trusted
stronger things than paper.
But this paper means life.
1st ONE
Paper does not relieve hunger, does not give warmth.
Life is more than not being dead.
I thank you for this paper.
I thank you for saving my youngest son.
Where are the rest of your children?
(The woman leaves crying)
What I do is not enough!
Not being in the carriage is not enough!
Not going to the gas chamber is not enough!
Not being shot is not enough,
not being a slaughter animal and
a number between one and a thousand, is not enough!
To be a human being without a bed, without a roof over the head,
without food and drink – this is not enough!
Passport, a patch of free land,
only a size of a palm is not enough.
A house is not enough, but it would be a start.
Other people, who within the minutes of their lives,
tear others away from the jaws of death, even this is not enough.
But it would be a start.
Merely fighting against the boots of death
is not enough.
To feel his face or hand,
with which he is strangling,
this is not enough,
but it would be a start.
Who are you waiting for, Wallenberg?
For whom are you sacrificing your time?
Who is so important for you,
that you are waiting for him for a whole hour?
Is this the Stone Guest, Mr Wallenberg?
I invited him to find out
what he is made of.
Sorry I’m late, my gentlemen,
but the work has no end.
Nobody knows it better than the host,
Mr Wallenberg, a Jewish dog.
So, where is he, this master of Jewish houses,
this printing press, Jewish dog, this master of autumn.
All Budapest is rustling with yellow leaves,
one can hardly see the yellow stars
with all this falling of Swedish leaves
on our town, but enough of jokes.
No long spoons, Mr Wallenberg?
You are eating with the Devil, don’t you know that?
Enough of jokes, let’s get down to business!
Don’t your friends want to save a few more Jews
until there are a few in Budapest?
Don’t your escort want to try to stop them in doing so?
You did not invite me over, because nobody else will eat with you,
you have friends in town, more with every day,
you have friends elsewhere as well, you do not eat with me
because you love Germans, you are here not
because you love Hungarians and you do not save
the Jews either because you love them, let’s get down to business.
What do you want? What is your task?
I am here to save people.
This is my task, nothing else.
I don’t believe that, Wallenberg.
Why are you here, Mr Eichmann?
I transport people from here to there,
nothing else, this is my task.
Here are people who are living,
because I am here and the longer I am here,
the more of them there will be.
The longer I am here, the less
people there will be, whom you can save.
This is mathematics, you have to know this.
You are the banker, you are the tradesman,
besides a bad one. You haven’t understood anything.
You love people, this is your flaw.
I respect the Jews, I was in Palestine,
I know their language, their history,
I read theis books.
But my task is the calculations,
timetables, quotas, units,
administration, lists and evacuation.
I don’t deal with small change.
Enough of jokes.
There is only one you, not more,
this is not enough.
You are wrong, I am not alone.
I have one ally – the Time.
It works for me, not for you.
This is not the first burning city that I see.
It is not my task to put it out.
Enough of jokes,
what is your offer?
Stop. You have lost.
The city is burning and you are printing passports.
Passport is a piece of paper, isn’t it?
It may burn.
Safe house is just a house with a Swedish flag, isn’t it?
It may burn down.
It burns as easily as a human being.
Do you know that, Wallenberg?
Do you know what the exchange rate is for Jews?
Immunity is just an agreement, isn’t it?
Sweden is just a country far in the North, right?
An agreement may be forgotten, right?
North is far from Hungary, right?
Ten thousand Jews for one truck?
Two million Jews for peace?
Don’t you know that a human being is merchandise?
Diplomat may be run over by car,
he may fall off the bridge,
or become a victim of crime, right?
We are living during a time when things happen.
Every minute brings along new questions.
Have you already thought about these questions?
What is a human being worth, if five thousand go to the gas chamber every day?
What is a safety pass worth, if one thousand are issued every day?
What is a safety pass worth, if everyone has it?
Don’t you know the rules of inflation?
Have you already thought about it,
that I can change my opinion?
Do you know, what the exchange rate is?
Do you know, who determines it?
Or that others change their opinion?
Do you know what is your value on the stock exchange of war?
Have you already thought about it,
why you are allowed to do what you are doing?
Do you know why you are still living?
Don’t you know it?
Don’t you know?
(Eichmann leaves)
Every question is a minute lost.
Every minute kills.
Every minute takes us closer to the end of killing.
Also when the time
is on my side. I have no time!
A secretary.
An accountant.
A telephone operator.
A driver.
A janitor.
Mr Wallenberg?
A messenger.
Mr Wallenberg?
Do you need work?
Do you want to telephone?
Do you want to be an accountant?
Do you want to distribute food?
Do you want to make lists?
Mr Wallenberg, I want to give you back my safety pass.
I want to go back to my family.
Bring them here, I have something for all of them.
Bring them here, I will give them safety passes.
Mr Wallenberg, my family
will fit in your coat pocket.
My family will make your fingers dirty,
you can scrape them together from Polish fields,
tree leaves and the ridges of gable roofs,
there is not even so much left of them
that you could paint an ashen cross on your forehead,
not even so much that a soldier would start coughing
when they fly into his throat.
They waited for me at home,
but I was not the knocker.
Why should I need a life as a present
How can I live with the guilt,
that one day I went out,
when others stayed inside?
Do I have to build my life upon a walk
and the luck of meeting you?
Tell me how must I overcome
the guilt of being alive?
(The woman steps into the carriage)
I die in everyone, whom I cannot save.
I die in everyone, whom I save.
Each bullet hits me.
Why am I still living?!
I have gas in my lungs!
Why am I not shouting with my last breath,
it is hoarse from the dead, who preceded me!
I see only death,
when I keep still, it attacks me,
drives out the sweat from under my skin.
Take a free evening,
one hour, just for yourself.
And if not four yourself, then for me.
Look into my eyes, nothing more.
Forget who you are,
for one breath, for one minute,
one hour, an evening.
Wallenberg do you hear me?
There’s no time!
Not to think of peace,
but of the end of the war.
There’s no time.
Not to think of the end,
the end is everywhere,
think of the beginning,
and beginning means time,
and I don’t have time.
He who lives, he works, he who doesn’t want to work, will not live,
he who cannot work, he cannot live, he who has no value,
is of no value, and he who is of no value,
will be crossed out.
The hand of the Lord was on me,
and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord
and placed me in the midst of the valley,
and it was full of bones.
He made me walk all around among them.
I realized there were a great many bones in the valley
and they were very dry.
He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
I said to him, “Sovereign Lord, Lord, Lord…”
Mr Wallenberg!
I am coming to bid you goodbye.
My work has come to an end.
Your war is lost.
I told you that the time is working in my favour.
You still think wrong, Mr Wallenberg.
I spent a year in Budapest, I came with thirteen people.
I deported three hundred thousand Jews.
Only time was working in your favour,
Wehrmacht, SS, Hungary and the Jews in my favour.
Yes, even the Jews, I do not call this a defeat.
And you? How many did you save, Wallenberg?
I don’t know, I had no time to count.
No time? Really? Enough of jokes!
You saved a hundred thousand, I counted.
Nothing will become of you, Wallenberg, at best
only a hero, a bust sculpture, nothing for practical life.
A hero for one hundred thousand, it is easy to say, it is a beautiful number.
By no means do I want to spoil it with one.
There is only one of him. Still, he would spoil the number,
Number wins the man.
(Shoots the man)
I cannot stand blood.
Can you? Can you?
Now is the beginning,
now is the time!
Apartments are needed,
work, food.
Everything that has been torn up,
has to be bound together again!
Everything that has been torn open,
has to be joined together!
It is time to bury the dead
and send the living home,
and behind an empty table,
someone must sit again!
There where prayers were said,
someone must pray again, and where people lived thanks to passport,
someone must live again, as he is breathing and is a man,
not a number or a list any more,
and the yellow star is not a death sentence any more,
but belongs to heaven and poems, nothing more.
This is a beginning or the start of a beginning.
But it is a start.
Come along. To a friendly chat.
He’s not here with us.
So don’t ask any more!
And, if he is with us, then he is doing well.
So don’t ask any more.
And, if he is not doing well,
then his health is to blame,
not life behind the bars.
And, if his condition becomes worse,
then we have done everything
to help him.
So don’t ask any more!
And, if he is dead,
then we don’t know where his grave is.
And, if he is found, a bullet in his head,
none of us has pulled the trigger.
So don’t ask any more!
And, if someone of us has pulled the trigger,
he had a reason and an order to do that.
So don’t ask any more!
Because then he was an enemy, a spy and a Nazi,
then he had to die, or he is walking the roads,
of which we know nothing,
under other names, that we know not of.
Then he is with us and we don’t know it,
and this is the same thing
as if he’s not here with us.
So don’t ask any more, because he’s not here with us.
Where is Wallenberg?
Very many...
... are not there, where they should be.
Very many...
... are looking for and
not finding the ones they are looking for.
Very many...
... are not looked for, because there is no one left to look for them.
You could pave a whole street with them,
but you are looking for one hero.
Why don’t you look for them,
who did not have time to become heroes,
but victims – this happens easier.
Help is needed by those who are just names between the names.
Where is Raoul Wallenberg?
1st & 2nd OFFICER
We don’t have him!
Why Wallenberg?
He was a good hero.
A good sport, who does business like a good sport,
or not at all.
A hero who is a good sport!
Do you hear, Wallenberg?
But so far, only half a war has been won.
Half of the battles have been won by now.
Only half of the enemies have been defeated.
After the war is before the war.
We open the heroes’ graves,
they are still needed.
War devours raw materials,
heroes are a raw material,
and there is not much raw materials.
And Wallenberg is a name
that cannot be filled by a half-war.
Mr Wallenberg, you have done your business well.
I did what I could, now it is over.
I had planned to do a lot, I managed to do little,
but little is more than nothing.
You are mistaken, Mr Wallenberg.
It may be that the one who saves one hundred people,
will get a life as a present,
maybe one is living, when hundreds see him.
Let me die!
1st, 2nd & 3rd DIPLOMAT
You’ve got a new mission, Mr Wallenberg!
I will be sent to Kolyma, they told me that,
I will get 25 years for espionage, I don’t know why!
How many times do I have to tell you
that I’m not a spy, this is absurd!
We haven’t seen the Romanian,
he did not come back from the interrogation.
The Swede is no longer here either.
I heard he was transferred.
An Italian is sitting in the cell below me.
I was asked about Wallenberg.
I came here on my own accord, you can’t deny it!
They shoot you after the judgement is pronounced.
Only not to Vladimir, nobody will survive that!
I am Georgian, I knew Stalin, this was my judgement.
Of course I was in contact with the Nazis, this was part of my tasks!
I wrote a letter.
Yesterday they called a general.
You have to learn the system of knocking.
Parcels will arrive, letters too.
The one who gets a letter, dies.
The one who doesn’t get letters, dies.
I don’t know anything about separate negotiations, I want to save people!
I have already been behind the bars for ten years,
this proves my guilt.
This is against the Jews.
No, it’s against the writers.
I want to talk with the Swedish Ambassador!
Against the doctors, if they are spies and Jewish
and knew Trotski.
I knew no one. These are the worst.
The one who denies everything, has something to hide.
The one who confesses something, is proven guilty.
I will not sign anything!
I am a Swede, I have diplomatic immunity!
The one who is Russian, has betrayed his country.
The one who is a foreigner, is a spy.
I told you all this already in Debrecen, didn’t I?
Death is the proof of guilt.
The Swede is dead!
The Swede is alive!
I will not make any more confessions!
Who is the Swede?
Who is Wallenberg?
Do you remember the dam that we built?
The words you spoke to me?
Punishment in the snow?
Nights in the carriage and the dead,
who were loaded out at the station?
I don’t remember.
The laughter, when my judge came to the camp?
A convict just like us?
And then the judge’s judge?
And so on and when all have arrived to the camp
we will be sentenced to freedom,
the first inhabitants of the country that has become deserted
and you are running back to Sweden.
Do you remember?
I don’t remember.
When I was born, you were at the camp.
When I went to school, you were at the camp.
When I got married, you were at the camp.
When I fell into despair in the camp, you turned up.
Life before the camp and life at the camp.
Two lives, you gave me hope for my second life.
Because you survived, I will survive as well.
And I did survive, thanks to you Wallenberg.
Do you remember?
I don’t remember.
I don’t know, why I was imprisoned.
I don’t know, why I happen to be in Kolyma.
I don’t know, why I became an old man at the camp.
I saw you, Wallenberg, and ten years in the snow,
to see one Christ, is not a long time!
I was imprisoned, so I could see you!
I don’t remember.
I became an old man, so I could see you!
A man, of whom the world is talking, Wallenberg.
Do you remember?
I don’t remember.
1st, 2nd & 3rd GULAG PRISONERS
Recall, Wallenberg!
I don’t remember.
There is a hole in my head,
a hundred thousand names are flowing out if it.
Names, that I have never heard before,
even my own name is flowing through me.
There is only one you,
we are many, who saw you.
Recall, Wallenberg!
You cannot force me, I said what I could say, I will not give testimonies any more.
You cannot force me, I will defy,
I am Raoul Wallenberg!
I remember!
(Wallenberg II arrives)
Who are you?
I am Raoul Wallenberg!
I am dead.
My work is done.
I will decide, when your work is done.
Let me go.
You gave birth to me.
You no longer belong to yourself.
I am Raoul Wallenberg!
And who am I?
You are a sketch. I am the picture!
You are a stone. I am a sculptor!
You are a grain of sand. I am a pearl!
Let me go.
You are the material, from which heroes are made.
Do you want to be just half a hero?
Every stray dog will lick your feet,
when it hears your name.
You are Wallenberg.
I am just one of many over whom the war has swept.
I am one out of millions.
Let me go!
I will scrape you out from earth!
I will dig out your skull from mud!
I will pull out the spike from your chest!
I will scrape together your ashes from the Lubyanka furnace!
Choose yourself a death, I will rob you of it!
Choose yourself a thousand deaths that the century has invented!
None will bring you peace.
I am your hero, you can no longer get rid of me.
I will suck the life out of you,
I will steal your memories, your face,
and you will not recognize yourself
and nothing will be left of you!
I wanted a lot, achieved a little.
But little is more than nothing.
Now I am ashes, nothing more.
Save me!
Save you?!
You are the saviour, not me.
Enough of jokes!
What a life it was,
when there was only one death
in which peace could be found.
Isn’t it, Jewish dog?
One could work undisturbed.
And now, Jewish dog?
But there is no escape from one’s fate.
Where are you going?
I’m on my way to Jerusalem.
I will be hanged in front of the whole world.
Clean ending, books will be closed.
I am the accountant.
You have to be a hero,
because you are a bad bookkeeper, even if you don’t want this.
I am disappointed in you, Jewish dog!
But the shortcuts were never meant for you.
You always made your life complicated for yourself.
I conceived a son, when you were dust in one Moscow puddle.
I had women, good food, when you didn’t have time even for one meal,
although the time was on your side and faithful to you.
It is faithfully by your side, the time,
so that you would wander around in Gulag forever
and I forced you to it.
This is my revenge.
You are my hero.
If I had shot you in Budapest, you would have had your peace.
But without me you would have remained a shopkeeper
and you wouldn’t be a hero now, who must not die.
Order wins humanness.
Statistics win courage.
Banality wins exceptions and evil is just goodness at the wrong time.
Enough of jokes, I have no more time!
I have to finish my story.
Extremely talented already as a child.
Handsome and ingenious!
Women’s friend, men’s idol.
With a laughing face between the jaws of hell.
Flames of freedom! Angel of salvation!
Extremely talented already as a child.
When I am asked, why did we supply the Nazis with steel,
I say: Raoul Wallenberg, my nephew on Siberian ice fields!
My father is dead, in heaven.
We did not bomb the railway going to Auschwitz.
But we’ve got Wallenberg.
I succeeded at everything.
I come from Kansas.
The land is vast and sunny.
Why should I die in the snow?
My heroes are Americans!
When I am asked, why we protected German companies,
I say: Raoul Wallenberg, my nephew on Siberian ice fields!
Handsome and ingenious!
We did not bomb the crematoriums,
but we’ve got Wallenberg.
The world was open before me.
But when I heard of Wallenberg,
of the Swede, handsome like Elvis,
between red claws...
Splendid prospects that I also seized.
We sent back ships filled with Jews.
But we’ve got Wallenberg.
To help people.
I know how shooting is done.
You can count on me.
One word said by me, banished the evil.
We throw them into the sea.
In the name of Wallenberg and God’s Land.
Not a trace of doubt.
I will tell you what I know of Wallenberg.
Give me some tea!
With a laughing face between the jaws of hell.
I met one Swede.
I need new clothes.
I stood at the cellar window
and saw the Swede’s shoes going and coming.
I bore my fate with an iron will.
An example to people.
He told me about Budapest.
My resources are exhausted.
Flame of freedom.
From the ruins of evil I shouted into the free world.
His name was Wallenberg.
I am looking for a job.
I am the face.
He’s doing well.
I don’t have a flat.
... and I always loved the Swede’s shoes. Always.
Between the machines.
Help him.
Help me, who is helping to help the helper.
We haven’t got him, have we?
We haven’t got him.
The President is coming!
But if we have got him, why don’t we know anything about it?
Everybody sees him, only we don’t,
although we see everything. Even things that nobody else sees.
We see the victory of the working class!
We know what conspiracy is!
We know the spies!
But we are looking past him,
we have got him and we don’t even know.
We have got him after all, although we have never got him.
President of the United States of America.
Today I will sign this document,
with which Raoul Wallenberg is awarded the honorary citizenship
of the United States of America.
What he did, what he achieved, acquires the dimensions of the Bible.
Fearless in front of dangers, he dedicated himself to others in their suffering.
Wherever he is today, his humanness burns as a torch.
Nazis had gone and the Soviets came as allies,
nevertheless there is proof that he is still kept as the Soviet war prisoner.
But Wallenberg.
When I say Wallenberg.
But we have Wallenberg.
When I say Wallenberg.
Secret Wallenberg.
A noble soul in the background.
A hundred thousand Jews have been saved.
Between heroism and torment.
Angel of salvation.
A missing hero.
Man in an iron net.
I will stain your fingers.
You can scrape me from the fields,
from the tree leaves and the ridges of roofs,
you will not find even so much of me,
that a soldier would start coughing,
when I fly into his throat and who can breathe
thinking of ashes that fly into one’s lungs.
See also: Opera Wallenberg
The only opera by Erkki-Sven Tüür on DVD. Performed by Estonian National Opera. “Mister Wallenberg, my family will fit in your coat pocket. My family will make your fingers dirty, you can scrape them together from Polish fields, tree leaves and the ridges of gable roofs, there is not even so much left of them that you could paint a cross with ashes on your forehead, not even so much that a soldier would start coughing when they fly into his throat.”
Has received the Estonian State Culture Award!
Opera: Act 1 | 64:52 |
Opera: Act 2 | 48:51 |
Backstage story: rehearsals, staging, première performance | 4:22 |
Photo gallery: authors, performers, performance |
Wallenberg: Jesper Taube (Royal Swedish Opera)
Eichmann: Priit Volmer
Wallenberg 2: Mati Turi
German Officer: Jassi Zahharov
Ronald Reagan: Väino Puura
1st Survivor: Teele Jõks
2nd Survivor: Andres Köster
3rd Survivor: Mart Laur
1st Guest / Jacob Wallenberg: Mart Madiste
2nd Guest / American general: René Soom
3rd Guest / American soldier: Aare Saal
1st Diplomat: Helen Lokuta
2nd Diplomat: Annaliisa Pillak
3rd Diplomat: Juuli Lill
Dame: Riina Airenne
Woman: Aile Asszonyi
1st Russian Officer: Urmas Põldma
2nd Russian Officer: Vladislav Horuženko
3 GULag’s Prisoners: Villu Valdmaa, Aare Kodasma, Alar Haak
Wallenberg 3: Vahur Agar
Jews, guests, GULag’s prisoners: Estonian National Opera Chorus
Estonian National Opera Symphony Orchestra
Assistant conductor: Risto Joost
Conductor: Arvo Volmer
Libretto (in German): Lutz Hübner
The concept of staging: Dmitri Bertman (Helicon Opera, Moscow)
Stage design, costumes and staging: Ene-Liis Semper
Stage directors: Dmitri Bertman & Neeme Kuningas
Recorded at the Estonian National Opera House in Sep 2007
Sound engineer: Maido Maadik (Estonian Radio)
DVD authoring / video production: Jüri Tallinn
Video director: Nadezhda Feodoridi
Assistant video director: Irina Dotsenko
Cameraman / assistant film producer: Sergey Koryagin
Cameramen: Andrey Krokhalev, Valery Gudkov, Alexey Rybakov, Andrey Ilyukhin, Alexey Koryagin
DVD authoring / mastering: Orbital Vox Studios
Liner notes: Liina Viru
Design: Mart Kivisild
Photos: Harri Rospu, archives of Estonian National Opera, Peeter Vähi
Management: Paul Himma, Heidi Pruuli, Tiina Jokinen
Producer: Peeter Vähi (Estonian Record Productions)
Stereo 2.0 and surround 5.1
Format of screen 16 : 9, PAL, Region All
Subtitles in Estonian, Russian, and English
ERP 1808
Manufactured by Sony DADC, Austria
© 2008 Estonian National Opera & ERP
See also: libretto in Estonian and in English.
“...I felt it was one of the strongest experiences that I have had in any opera house ever. I bought the DVD at the same time and my intention was to review it at once. On second thoughts I decided, however, to let it rest for a while. I simply wanted to see if my strong reactions at the live performance had waned when I returned to the opera, which I did almost exactly two months later. It turned out that the experience was, if possible, even stronger the second time around.” (Göran Forsling, MusicWeb International, whole article)
See also other press resonances about Wallenberg
Watch a fragment of Wallenberg on YouTube
Erkki-Sven Tüür
In the 80s Erkki-Sven Tüür, a student of Prof Jaan Rääts and Prof Lepo Sumera, finds his way into Estonian music. Physically residing on a small Estonian island of Hiiumaa he creates his work in the global sound space. Music by Tüür today is commissioned by renowned international musicians and is more often than not first performed on the world’s stages. Tüür’s aim is provocative and reckless – to melt into music a “catalogue” of the 20th cent styles. He has composed 5 symphonies (1984, 1987, 1997, 2002, 2004), instrumental concertos, a number of shorter symphonic pieces, an opera, a cycle Architectonics for chamber ensemble. There are undercurrents from the neo-style sources and rock music to sonorism and minimalism in his music. It could be taken for a pure fun of experimentalism. While listening one might perceive Tüür’s sound as if from another world – it is like a reflection of human existential consciuosness – metaphysical desert of soul, lonely battles. In the recent works by Tüür one can sense the passion and tenderness of monologue, neoromantic glimmer, the signs of reconciliation and beauty.
Download: Erkki-Sven Tüür in May 2000, photo by P Vähi, jpg, 300 dpi, 724 KB
Estonian National Opera
The Estonian National Opera, established in the year 1906, is a historic organisation with vital traditions and manifold functions.
The EsNO’s season, lasting 10 months from Sep until Jun, contains a varied repertoire of opera, ballet, operetta, musicals and children’ pieces. Around 250 performances of up to 30 different works are presented annually, including the cream of classical opera and operetta as well as contemporary masterpieces. On the top of that, the best works of Estonian origin are also shown on the stage!
The Estonian National Opera is the home of the symphony orchestra, the opera chorus and the ballet. The orchestra was founded in 1907 and it now employs almost a 100 musicians. In addition to its theatre assignments, the orchestra regularly performs symphonic works and records world classics as well as the best of Estonian music. The 54-strong opera chorus, besides participating in stage productions, consistently gives concerts on its own as well. The EsNO employs as many as 25–30 soloists. As a compliment to that, it welcomes guest singers on a regular basis. The EsNO ballet, existing within the framework of the opera company and employing approximately 60 dancers, is the country’s largest ballet troupe. Young choreographers are constantly enriching its repertoire of standard favourites with contemporary pieces and occasional avant-garde projects. In order to stay open to new ideas and fresh approaches, The EsNO always makes space and time in its working schedule for joint projects of multifarious nature, and for individual guest artists. For the latter to bring their unique experience onto our stage; for the Estonian audience, to partake of a different artistic vision.
Symbolically speaking, the EsNO’s location in the heart of Estonia’s capital city, Tallinn, is a reflection of the company’s artistic position – at the centre of Estonian culture.
Other recordings of Erkki-Sven Tüür by ERP: 100 Years of Estonian Symphony, Paavo Järvi Conducts EUYO at Glasperlenspiel Festival, Deus Ex Clavier
Other recordings of Estonian National Opera by: 11 CD jubilee-box Estonia – 100, DVD Faust, Cyrano de Bergerac, Lembitu, Artist Chagall, Verdi Wagner 200, CD + bonus DVD Voices of the Estonian National Opera / Estonia Ooperihääled, DVD Georg Udukübara aaria
DVD: Paavo Järvi and European Union Youth Orchestra on Glasperlenspiel Music Festival. Live recording in Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn.
Anton Bruckner. Symphony No 5
Erkki-Sven Tüür. Aditus
Performed by:
European Union Symphony Orchestra
Conductor Paavo Järvi
The 140-member XXL-orchestra EUYO was the brainchild of Lionel and Joy Bryer, Chairman and Secretary General of the International Youth Foundation of Great Britain. The inaugural tour in 1978 was conducted by the founding music director Claudio Abbado, who donated much of his valuable time to conducting and touring with the young musicians, and by Sir Edward Heath, who was the orchestra’s 1st president. The EUYO’s current music director is Vladimir Ashkenazy.
World famous guest conductors have worked with the orchestra including Vladimir Ashkenazy, Daniel Barenboim, Leonard Bernstein, Bernard Haitink, Lorin Maazel, Herbert von Karajan, Zubin Mehta, Mstislav Rostropovich, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, Kurt Sanderling and Sir Georg Solti. Soloists have included Martha Argerich, Emanuel Ax, Teresa Berganza, Barbara Hendricks, Nigel Kennedy, Karita Mattila, Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Viktoria Mullova, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Jessye Norman, Maurizio Pollini, and Pandit Ravi Shankar.
The EUYO has appeared in all the major cities, concert halls, and festivals of Europe. The orchestra has undertaken important foreign tours which have included China, Hong-Kong, Japan, India, North and South America, Eastern Europe, Russia, and the Baltic States.
The EUYO has also won a number of awards, including the Olympia Prize of the Alexander S Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, the Prix d’Initiative Européenne and the European Media Prize.
The 140 players who make up the orchestra are selected each year from over 4000 candidates throughout the 25 EU countries.
The patrons of the orchestra are Romano Prodi, president of the European Commission and the prime ministers of each of the 25 member countries of the EU.
Grammy award-winning Paavo Järvi’s remarkable reputation makes him one of the most in-demand conductors on the international stage. Born in Estonia, he studied percussion and conducting at the Tallinn Georg Ots School of Music, in 1980, moved to the USA where he continued his studies at the Curtis Institute of Music and at the Los Angeles Philharmonic Institute with Leonard Bernstein.
He was appointed music director of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in Sep 2001, and has recently extended his contract with the orchestra until 2008–09. During his directorship they have toured together throughout America (including Carnegie Hall), Europe, and Japan. From the 2006–07 season Paavo Järvi will become music director of Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra. He also holds the posts of artistic leader of the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie and artistic adviser to the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra. His previous posts include that of principal guest conductor with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. In great demand as a guest conductor Paavo Järvi appears regularly with such orchestras as Philharmonia, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Munich Philharmonic, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Orchestre de Paris, Concertgebouw, Boston, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia Symphony Orchestras, London Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre National de France, Staatskapelle Dresden, etc.
Paavo Järvi makes it a priority to work with youth orchestras and in summer 2004 conducted the EUYO’s tour of the Baltic States (including Glasperlenspiel Festival), which marked the countries’ accession to the European Union. He has conducted the UBS Verbier Youth Orchestra, both on tour and in the Verbier Festival. He has also worked with the Russian-American Youth Orchestra in Moscow, Mahler Chamber Orchestra in Ferrara and the New World Symphony Orchestra in Miami.
The most recent additions to Paavo Järvi’s discography for EMI / Virgin Classics include the Grammy award-winning recording of Sibelius’ Cantatas, and Grieg’s Peer Gynt, both with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra. With the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra he has released a number of CDs on Telarc featuring works by Ravel, Berlioz, Sibelius, Prokofiev, Tubin, Stravinsky and Debussy – the most recent recording featuring orchestral works by Dvořák and Martinů. He is recording a cycle of Beethoven’s symphonies with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, while recordings of works by R Strauss and Stravinsky with the orchestra have already been released.
In the 80s Erkki-Sven Tüür, a student of Prof Jaan Rääts and Prof Lepo Sumera, finds his way into Estonian music. Physically residing on a small Estonian island of Hiiumaa he creates his work in the global sound space. Music by Tüür today is commissioned by renowned international musicians and is more often than not first performed on the world’s stages. Tüür’s aim is provocative and reckless – to melt into music a “catalogue” of the 20th cent styles. He has composed 6 symphonies (1984, 1987, 1997, 2002, 2004, 2007), instrumental concertos, a number of shorter symphonic pieces, an opera, a cycle “Architectonics” for chamber ensemble. There are undercurrents from the neo-style sources and rock music to sonorism and minimalism in his music. It could be taken for a pure fun of experimentalism. While listening one might perceive Tüür’s sound as if from another world – it is like a reflection of human existential consciousness – metaphysical desert of soul, lonely battles. In the recent works by Tüür one can sense the passion and tenderness of monologue, neoromantic glimmer, the signs of reconciliation and beauty.
Aditus, In memoriam Lepo Sumera (2000/2002); premiere performance by Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz and conductor Ralf Otto on Dec 1st, 2000 in Christuskirche Mainz, Germany; commissioned by Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz, published by Edition Peters, Germany.
Recorded at Estonia Concert Hall on Aug 14th, 2004
Sound engineer: Maido Maadik (Estonian Radio)
Video director: Ülle Õun (Estonian TV)
Interviews by Ruth Alaküla (Estonian TV)
DVD authoring by Sten Saluveer, Marko Post, Uku Toomet (Orbital Vox Studios)
Designed by Piret Mikk
Photos: Sheila Rock, Peeter Vähi, archives of ERP
Management by Tiina Jokinen
Artistic supervisor: Peeter Vähi
PAL, 16:9, Region All
ERP 1106
Special thanks to Estonian Ministry of Culture and Huw Humphreys
Press resonance
Watch a fragment of DVD in YouTube
Other Erkki-Sven Tüür’s and Paavo Järvi’s recordings by ERP: 100 Years Of Estonian Symphony
See also other DVDs produced by ERP: Keyboard Juggleress, Enter Denter
harpsichord, fortepiano, piano
Pachelbel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven
J Pachelbel | Suite in E major | harpsichord |
J Pachelbel | Aria & 6 Variations from Hexachordum Apollinis | harpsichord |
J Haydn | Sonata No 1 in G major, Hob XVI:8 | fortepiano |
W A Mozart | Variations Lison dormait, KV 264 | fortepiano |
J Haydn | Sonata No 1 in G major | piano |
W A Mozart | Sonata No 13 in B-flat major Linz, KV 333 | piano |
L van Beethoven | Sonata in G major, Op 14 No 2 | piano |
Bonus track: Festival background | ||
Bonus track: Artist’s message |
J Pachelbel. Aria & 6 Variations from Hexachordum Apollinis, fragm, harpsichord, live, 3 min 33 sec, mp3
W A Mozart. Variations Lison dormait, fragm, fortepiano, live, 3 min, mp3
L van Beethoven. Sonata in G major. Andante, fragm, piano, 3 min 44 sec, mp3
Interview (in Estonian, Russian and English) with Irina Zahharenkova in YouTube
Performed by Irina Zahharenkova
Live recording from Glasperlenspiel Music Festival: July 20th, 2009, St John Church, Tartu
Sound engineered by Tanel Klesment
Cameramen – Maido Madisson, Mare Albri, Ivo Eggi, Silver Riibak, Jüri Tallinn
Video directing and DVD authoring by Jüri Tallinn
Instruments tuned by Ants Saluraid
Designed by Piret Mikk
Liner notes by Annika Kuuda
Translated by Tiina Jokinen
Background music (Concerto piccolo) by Peeter Vähi
Produced by Peeter Vähi
Audio recording in co-operation with Estonian Broadcasting Corporation (ERR)
Manufactured by Baltic Disc
PAL, 16:9, Region All
© 2010 Estonian Record Productions & Soft Spark Investments
ERP 2509
Press resonance: Salvestises räägib maitsekalt kaasa õnnestunud, kontserdisaalipärane helirežii ning muusikasiseseid muutusi sünkroonselt järgiv pildiline lahendus. Tartu Jaani kiriku rustikaalset interjööri, läbi akende kumavat õhtuvalgust, kuulsate keskaegsete figuuride galeriid kiriku interjööris ja isegi haamerklaveri summutite efektset koori kiirete noodiridade ajal on kaamera taga detailselt tabatud. Irina Zahharenkova mäng väljendab enamasti eelkõige kujundlikkust. Barokkmuusika ja osalt ka klassikalise muusika Urtext on temale üksnes “karkass”, kuhu lisada elavaid kujundeid. Teda paistab inspireerivat nii instrumendi tämber kui klahvpillifaktuur, millele hasartselt lisada virtuooslikke meloodiaornamente. Tema meloodiast ja harmooniast välja kasvanud faktuur kõigutab Urtext’i rohkem, kui ollakse harjutud enesele lubama. Staatilised tempod aeglastes klassikalistes vormiosades aga väljendavad suurt emotsionaalset õrnust. Varase klavessiinimuusika stiili silmamoonduslikud vigurid (millele vihjatakse DVD ingliskeelses pealkirjas – juggleress) on talle õpetanud ornamenteerimist ka hilisemates stiilides, mis kohati mõjuvad peaaegu ekstaatiliselt nagu sellelgi plaadil võib kuulda Pachelbeli klavessiinifaktuuri kõikides kudedes, kohati ootamatult Mozarti haamerklaverivariatsioonides ja lõpuks Haydni sonaadi klaveriesituse versioonis. Miski selles läbimurdes on väga kaasaegne ja põlvkondlikult julge. (Maris Valk-Falk, Sirp, 16.04.10, Estonia, whole article)
Worldwide distribution by Europe RCD,
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,, phone / fax +420 233313150
Distribution in Estonia by Easly-Living Music,
See also other DVDs produced by ERP: Enter Denter, Paavo Järvi Conducts EUYO at Glasperlenspiel Festival
See also other piano recordings by ERP: Heino Eller, Estonian Preludes, Northern Lights Sonata, The Well-tempered Clavier I, Sergei Rahmaninov. Piano Works, Toivo Nahkur, Neeme Järvi, Enter Denter, Deus Ex Clavier
DVD and CD. Released on Sep 1st 2010. Presentation concerts: on Sep 16th, 2010 at 7 pm in the hall of Tartu University, on Sep 17th, 2010 at 7 pm in the hall of Estonian Academy of Music, Tallinn, and on Dec 13th, 2010 at 11 pm on the MS Fram, Antarctica (!).
Kristjan Randalu. Nach dem Anfang vom Ende / After the Beginning of the End
Der Weg weg / Path of Departure
Eine Ahnung in der Vergangenheit / A Notion in the Past
Spielchen und Rechenschaft / Little Games and Accountability
Regenbogen / Rainbow
Enter Denter
Hiirejaht / Mouse-Hunt (U Naisoo / K Randalu)
Karumõmmi unelaul / Teddy-Bear’s Lullaby (E Tamberg / K Randalu)
Pipi Pikksukk / Pippi Longstocking (Ü Vinter / K Randalu)
Nuku hällilaul / Doll’s Lullaby (P Üllaste / K Randalu)
Võilill / Dandelion (K Kikerpuu / K Randalu) watch on YouTube
Encore: Igaühel oma klaver ja orkester / Each One’s Own Piano and Orchestra (trad / K Randalu)
Kristjan Randalu & Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, fragm, live, audio, 3 min 17 sec, mp3
Bonus tracks: Festival background and Artist’s message (in Estonian, English and German)
Kristjan Randalu developed the idea for Nach dem Anfang vom Ende while living in London, in 2001. During that period three movements of the work were completed: Der Weg weg, Eine Ahnung in der Vergangenheit and Regenbogen. Later he added Spielchen und Rechenschaft. The work in its entirety was premiered by Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Dennis Russell Davies in 2003.
In order to avoid a simplified unification of jazz and classical music, Randalu decided to exclude percussion from the score. The result is a classical orchestral arrangement in the frames of which the soloist plays according to the rules of jazz. There is no integral piano part in the score, only some points of suggestion and thematic ideas. The work revolves around improvisation within the frames of the orchestral score. Consequently, the length of the performance varies, depending greatly on the soloist and his communication with the orchestra.
The second half of the concert takes the listener on a humorous journey through witty improvisations on children’s songs from the once-popular TV program Entel-Tentel.
See also: interview with Kristjan Randalu on YouTube (in German language)
Performed by Kristjan Randalu (piano) & Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Live recording from Glasperlenspiel Music Festival, July 19th, 2009, Tartu University Hall
In co-operation with Estonian Broadcasting Corporation and Tallinn Philharmonic Society
Sound engineered by Tanel Klesment
Cameramen – Maido Madisson, Mare Albri, Ivo Eggi, Silver Riibak, Jüri Tallinn
Video directing and DVD authoring by Jüri Tallinn
Photos by Hedvig Hanson, Abraham Nowitz (NY), Kristo Kivimäe, Kristjan Randalu
Graphic design by Mart Kivisild
Liner notes by Inna Kivi
Translated by Tiina Jokinen
Production and background music by Peeter Vähi
Special thanks:
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra – for the dedication and making this music come to life
Leho Karin – for supporting the project from the very beginning
Jaan Rääts, Daniel Schnyder – for invaluable advice and help
Tuhalaane village, Heli & Artur Runge, Andre Maaker, Hedvig Hanson – for providing the ideal place to create this music
PAL, 16:9, Region All
Manufactured by Baltic Disc
© 2010 Tallinn Philharmonic Society & Kristjan Randalu
DVD: ERP 2609
CD: ERP 3710
Kristjan Randalu
- born in 1978
- the son of two classical pianists of Estonian origin
- dubbed “a dazzling piano player” by Herbie Hancock
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: “Kristjan Randalu establishes himself as part of an elite group of specifically European jazz musicians.”
- studies in Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Cologne, and at the Royal Academy of Music in London
- in 2003 moved to New York City, completed education at the Manhattan School of Music (Master of Music Degree)
- 2005 & 2006: Henry Mancini Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles
- performed on the two-time Grammy nominated Concord Jazz album Elevation
- classical, jazz, and cross-over projects with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra and the New Chamber Orchestra of Berlin
- performances in Europe, Israel, Turkey, Canada, the USA...
- co-operations with Alex Acuna, Jay Anderson, Quincy Jones, David Liebman, Christian McBride, Vince Mendoza, Bob Mintzer, the Modern String Quartet, Dennis Russell Davies, Maria Schneider
- 2007: the Jazz Award of Baden-Wuerttemberg, one of the most notable Jazz awards in Germany
- an official Steinway artist
- performances at such venues as The 55 Bar, the Jazz Gallery, Jazz at Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
- founded in 1993 by conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
- consists of outstanding musicians, who often perform as soloists and are invited to perform with various other orchestras and ensembles
- Harry Traksmann (violin solo), Olga Voronova, Katrin Matveus, Yana Mägila, Kaidi Ugandi, Kaido Välja, Elo Tepp, Mai Rosenroth, Maiu Mägi, Martti Mägi, Kristiina Olev, Laur Eensalu, Arvo Haasma, Leho Karin (cello solo), Margus Uus, Jüri Lepp
- co-operation with Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
- performances at many prestigious festivals: Bach Cantatas Festival in Milan, Bremen Music Festival, Huddersfield Festival of Contemporary Music...
- tours to most European countries, Japan, Canada, the USA
- guest conductors Richard Tognetti, Terje Tonnesen, Patrick Strub, Valentin Zhuk, Silvio Barbato, Samuel Wong, Risto Joost, Andres Mustonen, Paul Mägi
- artistic directors and chief conductors Juha Kangas (1995–96), Tõnu Kaljuste (1996–2001), Eri Klas (until 2009)
- recordings for ECM: Te Deum and Litany (Arvo Pärt), Crystallisatio (Erkki-Sven Tüür), Neenia (Heino Eller)
- recordings produced by ERP: Musica triste and Celestials (Maarika Järvi), De spe (Renè Eespere), A Chant of Bamboo (Peeter Vähi)
CD: Worldwide distribution by Note 1 Music (Carl-Benz-Straße 1, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany, phone +49 6221 720351, fax +49 6221 720381,
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, / Naxos Global Logistics
Distribution in Estonia by Easy-Living Music,
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, phone +372 51 06058
See also other recordings of Kristjan Randalu produced by ERP: Nonstop
See also other DVDs produced by ERP: Keyboard Juggleress, Paavo Järvi Conducts EUYO at Glasperlenspiel Festival
Live in Estonia Concert Hall
Vinyl! Vinyl! Vinyl... Limited Edition
A1 | A Chant Of Bamboo for bamboo flute, percussion and string orchestra | 18:16 |
A2 | Forty-two for oboe and chamber orchestra | 5:03 |
B1 | The White Concerto for guitar and orchestra (I, II, III) | 16:29 |
B2 | Mystical Uniting, arrangement for flute, violin, guitar, 2 tānpūrās and strings | 9:19 |
Performed by:
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Slava Grigoryan – guitar, Australia (B1, B2)
Neeme Punder – flute (B2), bamboo flute (A1)
Harry Traksmann – violin (B2)
Andres Uibo – organ (A2)
Nils Rõõmussaar – oboe (A2)
Kaido Kelder, Peeter Vähi – tānpūrās (B2)
Conductor Risto Joost
Live recording in Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn, March 16th, 2006
Engineered by Tanel Klesment / Estonian Radio
Designed by Piret Mikk
Liner notes by Tiina Jokinen
Published by ERP (A1), Edition 49, Germany (B1, B2)
A Chant Of Bamboo, fragm, live rec, 2 min 59 sec, mp3
Forty-Two, fragm, 1 min 17 sec, mp3
Mystical Uniting, fragm, 1 min 52 sec, mp3
Special thanks: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Slava Grigoryan, Neeme Punder, Risto Joost, Eesti Kontsert, Tallinn Philharmonic Society, Estonian Radio, Andres Uibo, Elle Himma
© 2006 ERP
LP 1006
Stereo 33⅓
Manufactured by Pallas Group in Germany
Rating at − the biggest database of audio recording: 5.0 / 5
A well-known notion in history is “the Renaissance Man” – an accomplished person with versatile talents. In our busy world of today, we are probably all secretly wondering where this race has disappeared. Where are the people who were capable of creating masterpieces of fine arts, composing interesting music and being successful scientists? Has the world really become “boringly specialised”?
Fortunately, the harmoniously versatile people still exist among us, a good example being Peeter Vähi. As a composer he is first and foremost of traditional academic background but not only... His creative range is somewhat wider than just European classical. It is probably not so surprising that he was the leader and keyboarder of a rock-band in his younger days – it is getting to be a more common phenomenon among the composers of his generation –, though in his case the band Vitamiin was a highly reputed one in the former USSR giving approximately 250 (!) concerts annually in the course of 12 years.
However, much less common for a European classical composer is the Asian theme which Vähi exploits with a natural self-confidence. Among his works are cantatas composed on ritual Sanskrit (Green Tārā) and Tibetan (Supreme Silence) texts as well as on Basho’s haikus in Japanese (Chrysanthemum Garden Chant). Unless one is aware of the composer’s profound knowledge of Eastern, especially Buddhist philosophy as well as his religious convictions – Tibetan Buddhism since many years –, this could sound as a hollow try to follow the general trend.
Should one still doubt the seriosity of Vähi’s creative intentions, it would be a good idea to glimpse at his less internationally known sides. His home audience in Estonia knows Peeter Vähi also as a seasoned traveler in the East and his articles and lectures on Asian culture, religion and history claim a huge fan club. In his music foreign philosophies intertwine with his Northern roots. Many of his works have actually been composed under exotic starry skies: Supreme Silence in a Tibetan monastery; Green Tārā on the backwaters of Kerala in South India; A Chant Of Bamboo in Masai Mara in Africa – to name just a few.
And last but not least, Vähi is an amateur photographer with an exceptionally sharp and keen eye whose photo exhibitions are events by themselves.
A Chant Of Bamboo
for bamboo flute and chamber orchestra (2002 / 2003)
This work unites two passions of the author − his love for the East and for the flute. A Chant of Bamboo was commissioned by the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra and was premiered by Hiroyuki Koinuma at the opeNBaroque festival. Since then it has been performed both in Europe and Japan. The solo instrument here is the so-called 6 hon-choshi tuned (could be provisionally compared with B-flat major) Japanese uta-shinobue. The technical range of this instrument has put relatively strict limitations for the solo part, namely contrary to the regular metal flute, it is almost impossible to play most of the chromatic scale on shinobue. However, this limitation seems to have helped the author to achieve a peculiar musical landscape of Japanese-coloured intonations. One more instrument of Eastern origin in this work is a hanging metal plate that the composer has reserved for the conductor to play.
Like in so many other works by Vähi, the Eastern and Western traditions are here united not by first and foremost the choice of instruments but in the sense of aesthetics and musical ideas.
for oboe, organ and chamber orchestra (1984 / 1997)
Forty-two is one of those few real hits by Peeter Vähi that has been performed live several hundred times, arranged by the author himself as well as other composers and musicians for most different musical staffs − guitar and organ, trumpet and organ, handbell ensemble, vocal soloist and chamber choir, string orchestra − to name just a few.
The birth of this work dates back to the early age of the composer, the initial version being a song with a text. After that it was arranged as an instrumental piece for his rock-band, and only in 1997, the composer himself being 42 years of age, the present-day version emerged.
If at all in music a work could be classified as autobiographic, then it is Forty-two. Several musical geniuses have left this world prematurely and among them unproportionally many at the age of 42. Why has that year been fatal for so many − especially − men? Is it the middle-age crisis? Or the inability to exit a creative labyrinth?
Forty-two has been dedicated to the American, French and Russian idols Elvis Presley, Joe Dassin and Vladimir Vysotsky that did not live to celebrate their 43rd birthday.
The White Concerto
for guitar and chamber orchestra (1991)
The White Concerto is the first concerto for the acoustic guitar and orchestra by an Estonian composer, commissioned in 1992 for European Culture Days. The three-movement concerto makes for easy listening with its undercurrent of Spanish colouring and subtle hints of the composer’s past as a rock-musician.
Mystical Uniting
for flute, violin, guitar and chamber orchestra (1991 / 2006)
Mystical Uniting was initially composed for ensemble Camerata – flute, violin and guitar. This is maybe the most frequently recorded work by Peeter Vähi and not only in its original version. One can find CDs with arrangements for flute and guitar, violin and guitar and even for bassoon in combination with chanting Tibetan Buddhist monks. The recording on the present LP contains a new version again, namely with Indian tānpūrās and a reduced chamber orchestra. Truth be told the role of the orchestra is relatively modest – to create the bourdon characteristic of classical Indian rāgas. The composer has written a strict score only for the three solo instruments; tānpūrās, the orchestra and the conductor are all given the freedom to improvise.
Slava Grigoryan was born in 1976 in Kazakhstan and immigrated with his family to Australia in 1981. As a major prizewinner at the Tokyo International Classical Guitar Competition, Slava was signed by Sony Music under the Sony Classical Label in 1995 and has since released 4 solo albums. Reviewing his New York debut, the New York Times said: “A remarkable recital…, what comes across here is guitar playing of uncommon originality and authority”. Slava Grigoryan has performed at many national and international Festivals such as the Brighton International Festival, the Harrogate International Arts Festival, Dresden Musikfestspiel, the Newbury Festival in the UK, the Guitar Festival of Great Britain, the Darwin International Guitar Festival, the GFA Festival in La Jolla, California, the Wirral International Guitar Festival, the Glasperlenspiel Festival in Estonia, the Al Bustan Festival in Beirut, the New Zealand Arts Festival and the Sydney Festival. He has appeared with many of the world’s leading orchestras, including the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the BBC Orchestra, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the Israel Symphony Orchestra, the Dresden Radio Orchestra and more recently the Klagenfurt Symphony Orchestra in Austria and the Halle Orchestra in Manchester, UK. In 1998 Slava was named Young Australian of the Year for the Arts, and in 2000 he appeared as soloist with the Australian Chamber Orchestra as part of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Arts Festival. He is also a member of Australian Guitar Quartet Saffire.
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra was founded in1993. The conductor Tõnu Kaljuste has bounded the widely well-known Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir with TCO’s activities. The members of the orchestra are all outstanding musicians, who often perform as soloists and are invited to perform with various other orchestras and ensembles.
TCO has performed in many prestigious music festivals: Bach Cantatas Festival in Milan, Bremen Music Festival, Huddersfield Festival of Contemporary Music, Glasperlenspiel, etc. Concert tours have taken the orchestra and the choir to Canada, the USA, Japan and to many European countries.
The orchestra’s instrumental programs have been prepared mainly together with guest conductors including Richard Tognetti, Terje Tonnesen, Patrick Strub, Valentin Zhuk, Silvio Barbato, Samuel Wong, Olari Elts and Paul Mägi. In 1995–96 the artistic director and chief conductor of the orchestra was Juha Kangas, from 1996–97 to 2000–01 it has been Tõnu Kaljuste, the present artistic director is Eri Klas.
In 1993, TCO and Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir recorded the CD Te Deum. For a year, this record has been on the world’s Top Ten list and has gained exalting appraisals from the critics. Crystallisatio by Erkki-Sven Tüür and Litany by Arvo Pärt were released by ECM in 1996, and another record by ECM Neenia released in 2001 is music for strings by Heino Eller.
Conductor and singer Risto Joost (b 1980) studied singing as well as choral and orchestral conducting at the Estonian Academy of Music, and received further training at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. He has participated in the conducting masterclasses of Neeme Järvi, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Eri Klas, Paul Mägi and in early music masterclasses with Paul Hillier and Nigel North. Since 2005 he is studying orchestral conducting with Prof Jorma Panula at the Royal College of Music, Stockholm.
In 1999 Risto Joost founded the chamber choir Voces Musicales. In 2001–02, he was a singer of Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir. In 2002, he founded his own orchestra, Ensemble Voces Musicales which is focused on performing Baroque and contemporary music. In 2004, Risto Joost won the 1st prize at the 4th Competition for Young Estonian Choral Conductors. He has conducted the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Tallinn Baroque Orchestra, Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Estonian National Male Choir RAM, Swedish Radio Choir, Ars Nova Copenhagen, etc.
Risto Joost also pursues an active career as a counter-tenor. His solo repertoire includes music of the Renaissance and Baroque period as well as 20th cent. He has performed at the Steve Reich Festival (UK), Vantaa Early Music Festival (Finland), Stockholm Early Music Festival (Sweden), Riga Early Music Festival (Latvia), Nyyd Festival (Estonia). Since 2003 he has been involved with the vocal ensemble Theatre of Voices (artistic director Paul Hillier). In 2007 he made his debut in the Estonian National Opera conducting opera Wallenberg by Erkki-Sven Tüür.
Risto Joost is the chief conductor of Tallinn Sinfonietta and the Netherlands Chamber Choir, also the artistic adviser of Glasperlenspiel Music Festival.
The presentation of the record in “Hi-Fi Klubi”, 2006, photo by Kalev Lilleorg (SL Õhtuleht)
Worldwide distribution by Europe RCD,
See other records with Tallinn Chamber Orchestra: Celestials, Musica triste, Bassoon Concertos, Enter Denter
See other records with participation of Neeme Punder: The Flutish Kingdom, The Hand Of God, Ave..., To His Highness Salvador D, 2000 Years After The Birth Of Christ
See other records of Risto Joost: Maria Magdalena, Pilgrim’s Song, De spe, Bassoon Concertos
See other records of Peeter Vähi: Maria Magdalena, Supreme Silence, Tamula Fire Collage, The Path To The Heart Of Asia, Handbell Symphony, Sounds Of The Silver Moon
The debute vinyl album of Peeter Vähi. Sold out!
1 | Reverence, fugue on two themes by J S Bach | 3:22 |
2 | Evening Music | 16:00 |
3 | Concerto grosso | 10:42 |
4 | Gates | 7:23 |
Music composed by Peeter Vähi
Performed by Mati Kärmas (violin), Ivo Sillamaa (synthesizer Juno 60), Andrus Vaht (percussion), Peeter Vähi (synthesizers Juno 60 and Prophet 5)
Recorded at the Tallinn City Hall (Matrix Audio Studio), Tallinn, 1984−1985
Engineered and mastered by Jüri Tamm
Executive producer: Y. Poteyenko (Moscow)
Liner notes by Dmitri Ukhov (Moscow)
Front cover designed by Everi Vähi
AAA, Stereo
1989 Melodiya C60 28297 004
Rating at − the biggest database of audio recording: 4.33 / 5
Sovětský svaz a jeho hudební vydavatelství МЕЛОДИЯ občas pustilo do světa perlu, o které soudruzi neměli ani tušení. Mezi ně patří i debutové album estonského skladatele Peetera Vähi (1955). Ovlivněn hudbou tibetskou, asijskou, orientální, rituální, duchovní. To vše spojil s elektronikou, syntezátory, vůbec se s tím nemazlil a vydal nadčas. Natáčelo se v Tallinu v letech 1984−1986. Album v reedici už nikdy nevyjde, protože soudruh šéf Melodije původní pásky propil a vyměnil za vodku. Úchvatné! (Kali Music, 13.03.19, Czech Republic)
See also: Discography of Peeter Vähi